Thursday, June 13, 2013

Boost Your Metabolism!

Hi all,

Weight loss is something many people struggle with. It may be due to time, lack of knowledge, simply over eating, or lack of movement. What ever the case we all need a little help. It is a true fact that you can not speed your metabolism up. It is the rate it is, you can turn yourself into a fat blasting machine, and you can temporarily speed up your metabolism. The way this happens is that certain foods have a very high thermogenic effect. This means that they literally scorch those calories as you are chewing them. Other contain nutrients and compounds that send your metabolism into over-drive, think of it like Nos in a car. You hit the button it speeds it up for a short period of time and them goes back to its normal speed.  

This is the topic today, foods that help that temporary speed! However be careful not to over indulge you don't want to have a burning sensation in your stomach all day. Also, with these foods make sure you stay well hydrated. Let's take a look at which foods can help you out!

Whole Grains: your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods. Especially those that are fiber rich such as oatmeal and brown rice verses processed foods.

Lean Meats: protein has a high thermogenic effect. You burn about 30% of the calories the food 
contains during digestion. For example a 300 calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to          break down. 

Low-Fat Dairy Products: These are rich in calcium and vitamin D. They help preserve and build muscle mass. This is essential for maintaining a robust metabolism. 

Green Tea: Drinking four cups of green tea a day can help shed more than six pounds in eight weeks. It had been reported by the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The credit goes toe EGCG, it is a compound in the brew that temporarily speeds the metabolism after sipping on this delicious drink. To insure your intake you can keep a jog of it in the fridge! 

Lentils: one cup packs 35% of your daily need for iron. This is great news since 20% of people are iron deficient. Whey you lack this awesome nutrient your metabolism slows down. This is of course due to the fact that your body isn't getting enough of what it needs to efficiently work. 

Hot Peppers: You know that thing that gives chili peppers their kick? Well you may or may not know it's Capsaicin and it heats your body up, this of course helps you melt away those calories. You can get this by eating them raw, cooked, or dried. In addition, you can add as much as you can handle to eggs, soups, meats, and whatever else you'd like! 

There you have it, some yummy foods, spices, and drinks that can help you burn some extra calories! I hope that this was helpful. Also, if you are looking for some motivation and think that you can't do reach that goal or you have it a wall check out this episode of Extreme Weight Loss. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it! Until next week, have a wonderful weekend! 


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