Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Want to Look Like a Super Model....

Hey guys,

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. With New Years coming up and all the weight loss resolutions. I thought I would share my story with you of what it entails to look like this. (below, that's me on the right).

This is me now.... 

I'm I still fit and in shape, you bet I am. I go to the gym between 3-5 times a week for about an 1:30. I love working out, it makes me feel strong and empowered. I love eating right, it makes my body feel good, my skin clearer, and my hair and nails healthier. Overall it just makes me better. 

Let me tell you about the long journey it has taken me to get to were I am today, and that is HAPPY WITH MY BODY who I am. Since my competition it has taken me about a year and half to get to that point. 

The second picture was taken on my most recent vacation, which reset me and made me think clear again. It brought me back to who I was before my competition, happy and content with who I  am with confidence galore! I love myself and I am a very positive person. However, being as fit as I once was, did some serious damage. 

While in training I had to take pictures and send them to my coach of my front, side, and back to track my progress. Well after it was all over I continued to do this, I was able to see my rapid weight gain from eating like a normal person and not working out like a wilder beast. Here is what I was doing...

Getting to look like a fitness model was exhausting and hard work. No joke I spent 4 hours, 6 days a week, in the gym to get in that shape for 4 months, previous to that it was 2 hours 5-6 days a week for 4 months. In total that is an 8 month process, it doesn't happen over night. Also, mind you some girls did do it in 4 months with a stricter diet then I had. (thank god for head starts, cause my diet wasn't anything fabulous either.)Here is what I did when I was at the gym. 

Speed School Bootcamp: 1 hour 
Snack and talk time with my coach: 2 TBSP of peanut butter, 5 Strawberries, and a protein shake
Weights: 1 hour
Abdominals: 30 minutes 
Stairmaster: 1 hour 

Here is a sample of what my eating looked like EVERYDAY OF THE WEEK, for 8 months. Also, keep in mind my sauces, rubs, dressing, everything was low sodium, non-fat, no sugar, everything was monitored, weighed out, and portioned controlled. 

Breakfast: Protein, veggies, good carb
Snack: Protein, fruit, good fat 
Lunch: Protein, veggies, good carb 
Snack Protein, veggie, good fat 
Snack 2: Protein, veggie
Dinner Protein, veggie
If hungry before bed: almonds 

Trust me I felt great, my confidence was through the roof. The diet was hard I had to pack my dinners when I would want to go out with friends, or eat before. The temptation was intense, also NO DRINKING not even a sip or an occasional glass of wine. This was easy though I was the designated driver for my friends which kept me from the temptation when I was out. 

After my competition was over, where I did place 4th out of 40 in model and 2nd in my division in Bikini. I thought I would stay that way forever. Until the lights went off and I was able to eat like a normal human being again. I blew up like a balloon gaining 30 pounds. This deflated that confidence I had worked so hard to get. I thought for sure I would either stay that way forever or that it would be super easy to get it back..... boy was I wrong. 

Ever since I lost that amazing body I have been striving to get it back, working so hard for that 6-pack, but in a real world situation. The truth is I don't have 4 hours everyday to workout, and for females to have a 6-pack you have to be 8-12%, normal is 16-20%. It's not easy we are made to hold onto fat! Also there are other factors going out with friends, socially drinking, not getting enough sleep. 

The truth is, with those factors I can't get that body back, and to be honest, when I think about giving those things up I don't want to. I love being able to eat things when I want to, I LOVE PIZZA, there I've said it. Life is to short, to not eat the things you want the most. However, you can do it moderately, you can find a healthy balance. 

That is what I have done. Eat when I'm hungry and eat healthy, organic choices, and workout whenever I have time. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, doing squats in the kitchen while I wait for dinner to cook. Whenever I have that extra time and I'm standing around I try to be active. Now most importantly what do I mean by healthy foods. 

I stay away as much as I can from processed foods. I shop the boarders at the grocery store for the most part. If you can find it in nature I'll eat it. Some other tips I use, when we go out to eat I ask for a togo box right away and but half of it in the box, other wise I'm tempted to keep eating while I wait for the box to come at the end. I don't eat to the point that i'm full, I eat to where I'm content. When I'm hungry I drink a glass of water first and then try some protein (when you are hungry those are the usual suspects). 

I try to live my like healthy and happy. I believe that I am beautiful inside and out. I have so much to offer this world, and life will pass me by to fast and I will have too many miserable/ sad sulking moments if I focus on what I think is wrong with my body. If I get jealous of someone who is skinner then me, who I think I looks better then me. The truth is there will always be a person like that out there, but there is only on ME and I can be the best me possible and so can you. 

This New Year focus on making healthy choices, not trying to look like Victoria Beckham or who ever it is you want to look like. The truth is you will never look exactly like them, and why would you. You are an original, you don't want to die a COPY!!! Embrace your beauty, be kind to yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror everyday and tell yourself something nice! 

I know I had a lot to say, but I hope it helped, I hope you read it all!!! I believe in you, and anything is possible if you want it bad enough!!! Dream big, and take one small step at a time! Happy Holidays everyone and have a Happy New Year! May you be surrounded by those you love and care for most! Much love xo


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blast Those Holiday Calories

Hey all,

Hope you are doing well and staying on track with those goals, even with all the yummy holiday food around. I know it can be difficult, but remember you are not alone, we are all right there with you! Keep it up and stay strong. In honor of this wonderful holiday season, here is a workout you can do anywhere all you need is a resistance band! I also want to mention that whenever you are exercising you want to make sure you properly warm up to prevent injury. A Dynamic warm up is best.

Resistance band
Matt (if you would like)
Bench, Chair, or Steady Surface

The Workout: 

25 on each arm Tri-pod pop outs
  • You will begin in a Single arm plank
  • Next, either walk both feet forward or hop into a squat (your anchor arm will stay connected with the ground) 
  • Then you will either walk both your feet out to the starting position or hop out 
  • REMINDER: if you are feeling pain in your low back, you can either 1. start by walking out 2. hold your breath as you jump back into a plank position 

30 Leg lifts
  • It is important that if you feel any pressure in your low back that you either bend your knees or not allow your legs to travel as close to the ground
  • IMPORTANT: you want to focus on keeping the middle of your back on the ground at all times, once you feel your back traveling away from the ground you have gone to far. 

30 Split jumps 

30 Squat to press with resistance band 

20 push-ups
  • Try to do as many regular push-ups as you can and then when needed drop to your knees (even if it's just one, it still counts!)
  • If you want to make it difficult you can put your feet up on a sturdy surface, just make sure from your head to your tail bone stays in one straight line. 
  • REMINDER: you shouldn't feel any pressure or pain in your low back 

20 Tricep dips
  • IMPORTANT: on your way down make sure that your hips are directly under you head

25 PliƩ Squats
  • Yes, guys you can do this move too! I have had many of my boot campers do it! Don't be scared! 
  • IMPORTANT: Make sure you stay on your toes the whole time, don't let your heels drop (or do your best) 

30 Chest press w/ resistance band 
  • IMPORTANT: Stand tall, make sure you abs are engaged, you can switch feet halfway through too 

15 on each arm Kick backs with resistance band 
  • IMPORTANT: make sure that your back stays flat, there should be no curve. It is better to use a mirror to prevent bad form 

10 on each side plank walk ups 

Squat and tap 1:00 min 
Squat Jumps 45 sec

Jumping Jacks 1:00 min

REST 1:30 ( or as long as you need to, until you have caught your breath) 

I hope that you guys enjoy and it helps you blast some of those holiday calories! Keep it up! You are strong, powerful, and can do anything you but your mind too. I believe in you, you have to believe in your self! 

Until next time, Much love! 

Pistols... Out xo 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Three Things To Boost Positive Thinking and the Impact It Will Have!

How Positive Thinking Builds Your Skill SetP

The benefits of positive emotions don’t stop after a few minutes or once the good feeling subsides. The largest benefit positive emotions have is to enhance our ability to build skills and develop resources to use later in life.P
For Example: A child who runs and plays outside outside, climbing trees and playing with friends, develops physical skills, such as being able move athletically. As well as the skills to play and socialize with others, a.k.a social skills which will allow he/she to communicate with others or with a team. In addition he/she will also develop creative skills, by exploring and examining the world around them. Thus, the positive emotions of play and joy allow the child to build skills that are useful and valuable in everyday life.P
The skills that are created last longer than the emotions that initiated them. Years later, the foundation of skills created may lead to scholarships or may turn into a job offer. The happiness that lead the exploration and creation of new skills has long since ended, but the skills themselves live on. This is referred to as the “broaden and build” theory because "positive emotions broaden your sense of possibilities and open your mind, which in turn allows you tobuild new skills and resources that can provide value in other areas of your life." Barbara Fredrickson (positive psychology researcher at the University of North Carolina).

How to Increase Positive Thinking in Your LifeP

Here are a couple things that you can do to increase positive emotions and take advantage of the “broaden and build” theory in your life! Well, anything that sparks feelings of joy, contentment, and love will work. For the most party you already know what works well for you. It could be playing an instrument, doing yoga, speeding time with a certain person, or maybe knitting. However, adding these three things can help make sure that you are creating positive thoughts and really help you focus on you and your needs.  
1. Meditation: Recent research revealed that people who meditate daily display more positive emotions then those who do not. As expected, people who meditated also built valuable long–term skills. 

People who meditate daily display  an increase in mindfulness, purpose in life, social support, and decreased illness symptoms.P
If you are not sure were to start try this Video out it helped me;  just close your eyes, breathe, and follow along.P
2. Writing: A study published in the Journal of Research in Personality, examined a group of 90 undergraduate students who were split into two groups. The first group wrote about an intensely positive experience each day for three consecutive days. The second group wrote about a control topic. Three months later, the students who wrote about positive experiences had better mood levels, fewer visits to the health center, and experienced fewer illnesses. 
3. Play: Schedule time to play into your life! You make time for meetings, conference calls, weekly events, and other responsibilities into our daily calendars. Why not schedule time to play? No one on there death bed ever said "I wish I would have spent more time at the office." 
Block out an hour on your calendar just to explore and experiment. When was the last time you intentionally carved out time to have fun? We all know that your meeting is not more important then your happiness. We are rarely given the time to live, so do yourself a favor and block that time out. Give yourself permission to smile and enjoy the benefits of positive emotion. Schedule time for play and adventure so that you can experience contentment and joy, in the end it will only help you explore and build new skills! 

I hope that you enjoyed this and start to use these positive thought skills! It will only help you! I want you to be the happiest and healthiest you! Try one or all three of these tips out and see what positive thinking does for your life! 
Until next time,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

10 Awesome Workout Tips and Exercises to Help you Stay on Track!

Hey my fitness fanatics, 
Hope you are all doing well and keeping up with getting those workouts in. Here are some secrets to getting a toned, trim body! Here are some ultimate moves and motivation tricks to kick a fitness routine into high gear. Put a few of these tips into action each week and you're guaranteed to see faster results!
  1. Tone Up on the TreadmillSave time at the gym with this 10-minute cardio/sculpt session: Hop on a treadmill holding a three- to five-pound dumbbell in each hand, and set the speed to a brisk walk. Do a one-minute set each of shoulder presses, bicep curls, triceps extensions, side laterals, front laterals and standing triceps kickbacks one after another as you walk. I's an amazing upper-body challenge that also gets your heart pumping. Do this series two or three times each week. As you improve, work up to doing four-minute sets.
  2. Power Up Your RunsAdding wall sits to the end of every run. It will strengthen your quads, hamstrings and glutes, improving your speed and endurance. Lean against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart, then squat until your knees are bent at 45 degrees. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, work up to doing 10 sets. Add a challenge by including heel raises- Lift your left heel, then the right, then lift both together twice.
  3. Chart Your ProgressStay motivated using a fitness report card. Write down these subjects- Cardio, Muscle Conditioning, Flexibility and Attitude. Next, set goals for example, doing 10 regular push-ups and grade yourself A through F at least four times a year. When you see how much you improve, you'll want to stay in great shape.
  4. Try This All-in-One TonerA side-step squat with wood chop works your arms, torso, abs, back, legs, inner thighs and butt. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a three- to four-pound medicine ball in your hands. Bend your arms up so that the ball is at eye level over your right shoulder. As you bring the ball toward your left knee, step out with your left leg and bend it no further than 90 degrees, keeping your right leg straight. Return to the starting position. Do 10 to 15 reps and repeat on the other leg.
  5. Break Out the ShovelWhy pay someone to clear snow from your driveway? Besides burning nearly 400 calories per hour, shoveling snow develops muscular endurance and power. But be safe- Minimize the amount of snow on each shovelful, and bend from your knees and hips, not your back.
  6. Work Out During Your WorkdaySit on a stability ball to strengthen your core, and keep dumbbells or exercise tubing at your desk. Squeeze in 12 to 15 reps of exercises like dumbbell curls, overhead presses and ab crunches; aim for two or three sets of each. This gives you more free time to fit in fun workouts like biking or tennis.
  7. Take This Jump-Rope ChallengeThe best cardio workout is the jump-rope double-turn maneuver. It's intense: You'll burn about 26 calories per minute! Do a basic jump for five minutes, then jump twice as high and turn the rope twice as fast so it passes under your feet twice before you land. This takes timing, patience and power. But you'll get in great shape just by working at it.
  8. Give Yourself a BreakYou don't have to be a fitness saint to get results. Follow the 80/20 plan- Eighty percent of the year, you'll exercise regularly and eat well. Know that you'll slip 20 percent of the time due to holidays and work deadlines. When you accept that fitness isn't an all-or-nothing proposition, you're more likely to stick with it for life.
  9. Get a Jump on Weight LossAdd plyometric box jumps to your workout to improve your cardiovascular stamina and leg strength. You'll really sculpt your hamstrings, quads and glutes. Find a sturdy box that's at least one foot high. Starting from a standing position, explosively jump to the middle of the box, then jump back down. Repeat 20 times.
  10. Don't Skimp on CarbsYour body needs them to fuel a workout, so reach for fruit or high-fiber crackers an hour beforehand. If you'e exercising for 90 minutes or longer, include some protein so that the carbs break down more slowly, giving you longer-lasting energy. Your best bets- low-fat cheese and crackers, trail mix or half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Hope you guys enjoyed and will start implementing these tips and workouts into your routines!! Stay happy and healthy! 

Until next time, 



Saturday, November 2, 2013

Weekend Warrior Workout

Hey my fitness fanatics!

Hope you had a great Halloween! I'm sure all of your costumes were spooktastic! I wanted to give you guys a fun weekend warrior workout! Many of us tend to let loose on the weekends and seem to put the gym on the back burner. Remember a 1 hour workout is 5% of your day!! That's nothing! Set some time aside this weekend, grab a buddy and get your sweat on. You will feel better and you are one step closer to reaching your goal!! Eye on the prize, right?! RIGHT! Ok let's get started.


  • A chair, bench, or a sturdy ledge 
  • Matt if you would like 

Instructions: There are 7 exercises with times or reps, try to get through the exercises as quickly as you can. Take breaks when needed however, and make sure you stay hydrated. There is a rest time between each round of 1:30, if you need to take a longer break that is fine.

1:00 Squats

1:00 Crunches
30 second Jump Squats 

1:00 Supermans

45 Second Mountain climbers 

30 Seconds Push-ups 

45 Second Tricep dips 

Take a 1:30 second break or as long as you need to recover. 
Then repeat the circuit 2-4 more times! 

Enjoy your weekend!!


Monday, October 28, 2013

Yummy Parmesan Garlic Asparagus

Hi all!!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend and your week is off to a great start! I thought I would share my easy to make Parmesan Garlic Asparagus! Takes about 24 minutes to make from the start to the finished product! This recipe feeds 2 people, Hope you enjoy!

  • Asparagus (15-20 pieces)
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • Spray Butter (I can't believe it's not butter)
  • Garlic Powder
  • Pepper
  • 1 lemon or lemon juice
  • Coconut or grape seed oil 
  • Cooking sheet
  • Step 1: pre-heat oven to 450 degrees
  • Step 2: Wash Asparagus and dry off
  • Step 3: Cut about 1 inch off the end of the Asparagus and throw ends away

  • Step 4: Cut Asparagus into bite size pieces (about 1 inch as well) 
  • Step 5: Oil cooking pan with 1tbsp of coconut or grape seed oil, rub in with paper towel
  • Step 6: Place cut asparagus in pan 
  • Step 7: Spray Asparagus with, spray butter (about 5 sprays) 
  • Step 8: Sprinkle to your liking pepper and garlic powder 
  • Step 9: Sprinkle 1-2 tbsp of Parmesan onto Asparagus 

  • Step 10: Place in oven for 12 minutes 
  • Step 11: Cut lemon and squeeze juice onto Asparagus
  • Step 12: ENJOY!!! NOM NOM!!!  


Asparagus: (15 spears)

Total Fat
Sat. Fat

Parmesan Cheese: (2 Tbsp)
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
Calorie Total for 15 spears and 2 tbsp = 93 Calories/2
46.5 Calories a serving!! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

7 Things you Might Being Doing Wrong While Working out and Getting Healthy

1. The elliptical. I'm not a fan of the elliptical. Not only is it the most boring piece of equipment in the gym, it is also extremely ineffective. First off, the elliptical doesn't use a natural body motion to work your body. Workouts that use natural motions like running, bending, or jumping are much more effective at toning muscles. Sure, the gliding motion of the elliptical burns calories, but that's about it. It is also easy to slack off on the elliptical. With the treadmill you at least have to keep up with the pace you set. On the elliptical you start off with guns blazing, and 10 minutes later you are crawling along like a turtle. You are much better off doing a 20-minute cross training circuit (burpees, jumping rope, jumping squats, etc.) than 45 minutes of slogging along on the elliptical. If you are looking for another low impact exercise, try the rowing machine. This will get your heart rate up, and also work your upper body and back.
2. Working out for long periods of time at a moderate pace. When it comes to working out, slow and steady does NOT win the race. Maximize your time, people! Instead of working out for an hour at an easy-to-moderate intensity level, step it up a notch. Challenge yourself to 30 minutes of nonstop, intense exercise. You can take 15- to 30-second breaks, but move quickly from one workout to the next. Give it 100 percent for 30 minutes, instead of 75 percent for an hour. Need ideas for shorter, high intensity workouts? Check out 15 Minutes to Change Fat to Muscle.
3. Lollygagging. You know that girl at the gym who's always fixing her hair in the mirror? Don't be her. Come to the gym with a time frame and a plan. This means no wandering around, no texting your boyfriend in between reps. Come with a set workout to complete, limiting your water breaks to specific points in your circuit for a designated amount of seconds. If this means writing down your regimen, great! Tattoo it to your arm! Whatever! Make the most of your time. Get in, get out. No one likes a gym rat.
4. Too much cardio. Too little strength training. But cardio burns more calories, right? Not so fast, lady. Sure, an hour on the treadmill gives you that instant satisfaction of burning 400 calories. Or so that little blinking screen says. A quick strength training or cross training session, however, will get your heart rate up, burn calories, and develop your lean muscle mass, which in turn burns more FAT. How you many ask, building muscle means that those muscles are able to work throughout the day burning more calories when you aren't working out.
5. Hydrating with sports drinks. Sports drinks may give you a boost, but are full of sugar and calories. During any given daily workout, hydrating with plain water should do the trick just fine. If you feel tired during your workout, try fueling before. Eating a healthy snack 45 minutes before your workout can give you more energy, and allow you to skip the Gatorade. Try some almond or peanut butter on toast.
6. Doing the same exercises over and over again. When you do the same workout routine over and over, your body gets used to it and it becomes easier. The Stairmaster might have been challenging at one point, but pretty soon your muscles become familiar with that motion. Your body only uses half the energy to complete this task that at one point had you huffing and puffing your way to the locker room. Mix it up. By changing your workouts daily you will trick your body into working harder and burning more calories. It will also save you from boredom! Try a new class or pick up a new sport. 
7. Going it alone. Working out alone can be great. It gives you time to clear your mind, listen to music, and feel the burn. However, sometimes it takes a workout buddy to hold you accountable. Working out with a partner not only makes it more likely that you'll work out, it makes most people try harder than they would on their own. Your partner can cheer you on to finish that last half mile or to finish those last four deadlifts. And let's not forget the power of good old-fashioned competition. If your friend is doing 50 lunges, don't you suddenly feel inspired to do 51?

Hope you enjoyed this and it helps you to get one step closer to reaching your fitness goals! Until next time...
Health and Happiness,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Shed pounds quick! (ps. I'm back!)

Hey all,

I know it has been a while! I'm sorry for being MIA, I just burnt myself out posting so much info and giving myself a deadline! Deadlines are great and all don't get me wrong, but with my busy schedule it was getting to be a bit much. Things have calmed down now and I realized that I did in fact miss blogging, so I'M BACK!

Going to do things a little differently this time though! I will be posting when it is convenient, but at the very least twice a month. I will try to structure it the same as before, one article and one workout! Well now that, that is all squared away, lets get to it!

Today we are gonna talk about how to drop some weight fast and there is a little workout at the bottom as well! The workout will help you blast some fat, which we all like!

We all know that dropping weight can be hard, and the closer you get to you ideal weight, the tougher it becomes to lose the weight! The reason behind this is that your body defends its weight and holds on to the pounds to maintain a natural balance. The more weight that is lost, the harder your body works to hold on to it. You can beat this by turning up your workout! Try a total-body workout! This will counteract and prevent your body from getting comfortable with your workout routine. Also, start adding more weight, always make sure you are increasing your work load to insure this doesn't happen.

A definite way of shedding that wait is PLYOMETICS! These are explosive movements that build muscle and get your heart rate up, they also work multiple muscles at a time. This all leads to extreme calorie burn! This will rev up your workout and help you shed that last layer of fat so you can show lose sculpted muscles and that lean figure!

Try to complete three to five circuits of the exercises down below, doing 8-10 reps of each movement and going from one exercise to the next with out stopping (CIRCUIT TRAINING)! Rest one minute between each circuit! Do the workout two to three times a week as well as cardio (fat-burner/interval) and you will be zipping up your skinny jeans in no time!

When doing cardio make sure you are doing fat- blasting intervals. Just like your total body strength training program you want your cardio to be just as kick ass! High- intensity interval training involves quick, sprintlike bursts combined with periods of rest or easy recovery to help maximize your calorie burn. Go as all out as you can!

Try this twice a week using your favorite cardio machine: After a five to ten minute warm up, speed up until you are at 90% of your max heart rate (age-220=MHR). Stay here for 30 sec then recover for 1 minute repeat 5-8 times. To boost your weekly calorie burn, add and extra day of cardio 30-45 minutes of moderate intensity 65-80% of your maximum heart rate.

Eat often: eat small amounts every few hours. It can help your body burn calories instead of holding them. (Nutritious foods!)

Pick protein: it keeps you feeling full longer, burns calories and it digests, and helps your muscles recover! Include it in every meal!!!

Beat the bloat: avoid excess salt, limit foods like broccoli and beans, and add lemon to your water!

MOVE 1Single-Arm Dumbbell Swing
Single-Arm Dumbbell Swing

MOVE 2Pushup Row
Pushup Row

MOVE 3Box Jumps

Box Jumps

MOVE 4Skater Jumps
Skater Jumps
MOVE 5Dumbbell T-Stabilization
Dumbbell T-Stabilization