Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday core and upper body workout

What's up everyone?!!!

Happy Saturday!! I can't believe another week has come and gone, it seems like the weeks are just flying by. I hope you are enjoying them to the fullest! :) For the past couple weeks I have been doing a lot of plyometrics (jumping), heavy leg work, and by doing some my body wasn't happy with me. I started to give myself Plantar fasciitis. This is where your calf muscles get tight and then begin to pull on the muscles in the foot, giving you a sharp pain when you walk. I decided to nip this problem in the bud and started stretching, foam rolling, and just staying off of it this week (besides light walking). I have a couple more days of rest and then I'll be back at it on Monday. :) It's feeling a lot better. Case in point, please make sure you are listening to your body, if you need rest take it. Trust me your body knows best, don't push it! It's better to take care of the problems before they happen then having to have set backs like I just did this week.

That being said, today's workout will focus on core and upper body. If you want to see this workout live you can tune into my Periscope channel @ebfbyashley at 12:30PM PST today. I will review all the moves so you have an idea of what they look like, and the video will stay up for 24 hours.

Just a heads up I am changing my handle on Monday and I am going to transition to a different blog as well. I am rebranding to a new name my new IG handle is @fitfestivalbabe and my new blog will be Fit Festival Nation. You'll be able to find me at :) I'll give you all the details there. Also my twitter and periscope is @fitfstvalnation I can't wait for this new journey!! It's gonna be good, so stay tuned! :)

Let's get started shall we!

Warm-up: 2x8 
Shoulder circles
Neck circles
Reach overs
Side lunge taps
Standing cat cow
Standing knee hugs
Hip circles
Chest opener

Workout: 3x30sec/10-15 sec rest: between each set rest 30-90 seconds

Circuit 1: 
Push to pray
Alt super mans
Tricep push up to superman swimmers
High plank reach under (R)
High plank reach under (L)

Circuit 2: 
Standing knee crunch to shoulder push up
Dancing crab (R)
Grasshopper push-up
Dancing crab (L)
Tornado crunches

Circuit 3: 
Single arm mountain climber (R)
Alternating staggered push-up
Single arm mountain climber (L)
Seated heel tap lemon squeezers

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Funday Tabata Workout

Hello and happy Sunday!

I hope your weekend has treated you well, I know mine has. I went to a concert on Friday night, trained some clients and went to a workshop on Saturday, and today I slept in and I am educating myself on how to have a the life I want. I would consider that a pretty solid weekend. However, I did not have time to post on social media or on periscope. I usually post this workout on Saturday and although I love you all very much and your support is seriously everything, my number one priority is spending time with my family and educating myself so I can better help you. Life gets in the way and I am trying to be as consistent as possible, but it's not always going to happen. I know you all get busy and overwhelmed and I am no different. I am not wonder women as much as I would like to be. :)

Anyways, I just wanted to update you a little bit on what was going on. Now let's get into today's workout. You can catch the tutorial video on the app Periscope. I will be on at 1pm PST and it will be up for the next 24 hours. My handle is ebfbyashley and you can also find me on instagram as well! Let's get to it.

Tabata Sunday: 

8 rounds: 20 seconds of work/ 10 seconds of rest (as little rest as possible between each round) 

  • Side lunge hops 
  • Tuck jump to shoulder push up 
  • High plank walks (4 forward, 4 back) 
  • Superman swimmers to 4 kicks 
  • Rock n' Roll 
  • Squat to alternating leg lift 
  • Spider crawl push-up 
  • Break dancer 
Repeat 8 x

Enjoy! :) 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

At home, bodyweight, butt kicking, WORKOUT! (Periscope)

Hi everyone,

We meet again on another lovely Saturday afternoon! I hope you all had an amazing week! Here is another workout for you that you can do in the comfort of your own home! Enjoy! Also, remember if you want a live demo of all the exercises listed below, check me out on the new app called Periscope at 1pm PST under the handle name ebfbyashley :)  I also, post an exercise of the day everyday in the evenings usually around 5:30-6:30pm PST as well! :)

Alright let's do the damn thing! :)

Warm-up 2x: 

  • Neck, shoulder, ankle, and arm circles 8 ew (each way) 
  • Reach overs 8 ew 
  • Jumping jacks 20 
  • Reverse lunge w/ twist at the bottom 8 el (each leg) 
  • Inchworms 8 
  • High plank hold 30 sec 
Circuit 1: 3x30 sec work/ 10-15 sec of rest; rest between 30-90 sec between each set
  • Suicides 
  • Seated air leg press (R- right) 
  • Seated air leg press (L-left)
  • Skier hops 
Circuit 2: 5x 20sec work/10 sec of rest; as little rest between each set as possible 10-30sec 
  • Lying side tricep press (R) 
  • Lying side tricep press (L) 
  • Push-up w/ squat thrust 
  • Crab kicks (high hips)
Circuit 3: 3x30 sec work/ 10-15 sec of rest; rest between 30-90 sec between each set
  • 4 es (each side) Propped up flutter kicks 2 v-ups 
  • Windshield wipers
  • Low plank side punches 
  • Side plank hip dips w/ leg lift