Thursday, May 30, 2013

Eat More Calories To Lose Weight!

This week we are going to talk about eating the right amount of calories. If you are not eating enough you can do more harm then good. Let's take a closer look and see if you are eating enough....

The majority of the time when you’re having a problem losing weight, it’s not because you aren’t making good food choices. The reason why your weight loss has plateaued is because you’re not eating enough calories to lose weight. 

When most people start "dieting" they cut calories dramatically and add extended amounts of exercise, mainly cardio, to their daily workouts. This is fine, however they usually cut out way to many calories. When you add in extra exercise and then drastically bring down your calorie deficit this works against you. Like a hamster on a wheel, you are getting anywhere. 

When you don't eat enough calories it causes multiple changes with your metabolic system. Our bodies are a lot smarter then we give them credit for. They can sense the energy imbalances, and yes this may work for the short term, a couple days or even a couple weeks. Non-the-less, at some point your body will take notice and sound the alarms that it needs to start storing energy. You may want to waste away, but your body sure doesn't. In order to survive your body needs nutrients, to make energy. The easiest way for your body to make sure it is getting that is by storing FAT. 
The questions is what does your body do when it senses this dramatic change of energy restriction? (i.e.not eating enough)
Well first is slows down your thyroid production. Why does this matter you ask... well because you thyroid is responsible for fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism along with other things. Your body is able to slow down thyroid output in an effort to maintain energy balance to maintain function and daily living. 
It then decreases your muscle mass. You know, that muscle you have worked so long and hard for at the gym, putting in hours and even weekends. This is because your muscles are they need a lot of calories to stick around, you have to feed your muscles!! In a long term calorie restriction, muscle is one of the first things to go. Your body is craving fat, it NEEDS IT. Muscle on the other hand can be spared, to use for energy. 

Also, this lowers testosterone levels, why is this important.... because this important hormone for BOTH MEN AND WOMEN, is one of the many that is affected with severe calorie restriction. Without this it because a lot harder to maintain and put on muscle mass. Not only does it drecrease testosterone but leptin as well. This is one of the many energy regulating hormones. It is the "HUNGER" hormone. It lets you know whether to eat or not. When you have high levels of leptin it's OK to stop eating, when they are low this signals that you need more energy. When you are restricting yourself calories these leptin levels decrease. 
Lastly, it decreases your energy levels! Neurotransmitter production become limited and this leads to a lack of motivation. This is your body's way of telling you to "chill out", its telling you to STOP USING MY ENERGY!!! 

Alright so now you know what happens when you don't eat enough calories, but now comes the all important question... then how many calories should I be eating?! I have an answer for you! 
The goal should be to eat as many calories as you possibly can and still lose weight... duh... but really. You always want to start high and then work your way down when it comes to calorie consumption. It is a lot easier to do it this way then come back up, after you lose weight and the weight loss has stalled, and your lack of motivation has risen. 
It is unfortunate that there is no perfect number. Each person’s metabolism is different. Calorie calculators are a good starting point, but they can’t take into account all the individualistic variables.
To do this you can do a couple things to find your calorie intake. Through experimentation, by using measuring devices to determine how many calories you burn each day. However, the problem with a majority of people that want to lose weight is that they want it gone NOW. We are the NOW generation, we want things done quickly. Sad to say effective and permeant weight loss is a slow process. You want to lose no more then 2lbs per week.  At this pace, it will ensure that the majority of your weight loss is coming from stored body fat instead of muscle. You will also give yourself the best chance to build muscle while you lose fat, which is what you should be striving to do. 

So if your progress has stalled, but you think you’re eating the right foods and exercising intensely, more than likely your problem is that you’re not eating enough calories to lose weight. Eat as much as you can, get in as many nutrients as possible, and your weight loss will start moving forward again.
I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks topic. Have a healthy, safe, and fun weekend! Until next week....
Pistols Out! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hot Summer Bod Workout

Hey all,

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and for those who had a 3 day weekend for Memorial Day, hope it was enjoyable. This weeks workout focuses on total body. This is a workout that you can do 3 x a week if you want too! However, I would only recommend that for no more that 4 weeks max.

I also want to include a challenge for this week, I want you to pick one for yourself. Make a health promise to yourself. It should be something small and realistic. It's time to kick up the volume and take your training to the next level. It can be as simple as doing abs during the break while you are watching your favorite show. Promising to eat breakfast, stop drinking soda, take the stairs instead of the elevator, do 15 more minutes of cardio. Whatever it is feel free to make it official and share with all of us! Write your promise in the comments section, if you dare!

I actually have 2 challenges that I am going to take on.

1. Do 1 set of abs with my bootcamp everyday. I teach 3 classes a day so that will be 3 extra sets on top of what I already do at the gym.

2. No drinking until the 4th of July, so a little over a month!

These are mine what are yours?

Alright, let's get into this weeks workout, this is a gym workout unless you have the below equipment at home. Then you can do it in the comfort of your home, but for most of us it is a gym workout!

Cable Crunch: 3x15

Incline Dumbbell Press: 3x12

Bench Dips: 4 x 12

  • There are 3 different variations: 
    • Bent Knees which is easiest 
    • Straight legs- try to keep a little bend in them so you don't hyper extend your knees. Intermediate 
    • Legs on a bench- again slightly bent. Hard
    • Legs on bench with a plate weight. Hardest.

Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Raise: 3 x10

Standing Barbell Shoulder Press: 4 x 15, 12, 10, 8 (weight should increase) 

Decline Crunch: 4x12

Leg Press: 3 x 10

Barbell Straight Leg Deadlift: 4x12

  • Make sure that you keep your back straight through the whole exercise 
  • Try to keep the weight as close to your body as you can
  • Make sure you stand all the way up
    • When you do make sure you pull your shoulder blades down into your back 
    • Squeeze your glutes at the top as well

Standing Barbell Curls: 3 x 12, 10, 8 
  • Make sure you are standing tall pulling your shoulder blades into your spine. As well as squeezing your abdominals and glutes though the whole set. 

Standing Single Leg Calve Raises w/ Dumbbell: 4x12
  • Make sure you are standing tall pulling your shoulder blades into your spine. As well as squeezing your abdominals and glutes though the whole set. 

There you have it, your total body workout! I hope you enjoy and don't forget to post your self challenge! Remember to make it realistic! I can't wait to hear what you guys are going to challenge yourselves with. Also, try to give yourself a reward at the end of your challenge, NOT FOOD RELATED. For example, you will go on a mini vacation, or buy yourself a new pair of shorts for summer! Whatever it may be keep to it and remember it's a new day, everyday! Until Thursday......


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Energizing Snacks, to Help Keep You Moving All Day!!

Hey all, 
Hope everyone is having a splendid week and you are ready for the weekend! 1 more day to go, you can do it! This weeks article is about snacks that can give you energy and keep you moving throughout the day. If you are like me and always on the go, these tips are needed. I hope you enjoy! 
Believe it or not our energy levels are connected to the foods we eat. The foods we choose to put in our body can either boost our energy, or drag us down. Listed below are some great energizing foods that will support your general well-being and health. There are 25, so lets get started!

1. Apples:

Everyone knows the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and in fact it is true. Apples contain a hefty supply of vitamins and minerals, and are also a rich source of flavonoids and polyphenols, both of which are powerful antioxidants. Try eating them in the morning or include them in smoothies.Healthy Snack

2. Bananas:

Bananas are one of the best sources of potassium, which helps maintain normal blood pressure and heart function in the body. Bananas are a convenient snack to carry and they are sure to boost your energy levels during an afternoon lull.Healthy Food

3. Red Peppers:

Bell peppers are full of antioxidants, as well as vitamins A and C. They are also great for your skin. Red peppers in particular contain lycopene, which has been linked to cancer prevention. Red peppers are a great snack and if you want that satisfying crunch they are sure to do the trick. Try dipping them in some salsa or hummus for an afternoon snack.Healthy Foods

4. Hummus:

Hummus is a healthy energy-boosting snack that is sure to satisfy your creamy-salty cravings. It’s a great energy booster when paired with other items on this list, like red peppers, carrots and cucumbers. Try the Raw Chickpea-Free Hummus recipe with zucchini instead of cooked chickpeas, and raw tahini. You’ll still get amino acids and calcium from the raw tahini, but in a lighter, non-starchy form.Healthy Snack

5. Organic Dark Chocolate:

If you have a sweet tooth, organic dark chocolate is sure to satisfy those cravings, and is better than having dessert snacks that contain refined starches, which will deplete B vitamins that we need for energy. I recommend non-dairy, organic dark chocolate because it contains the highest amount of powerful antioxidants. There is some sugar in it, so limit portion size to 1-2 oz a day.Healthy Snack

6. Pumpkin seeds:

These seeds are packed with minerals such as magnesium, iron, and calcium, vitamin K and protein. These seeds will be sure to satisfy that crunchy craving when you need a boost. Lighter than nuts, try a quarter of a cup of them in the afternoon a few hours after lunch, especially if you are working out after work or have a long stretch before dinner.Healthy Snack

7. Carrots:

Carrots are high in fiber, so they are a great crunchy way to take the edge off hunger, while providing some good nutrition. They contain high amounts of Vitamin A, in the form of Beta-Carotene, which is good for eye sight. They combine well with most other foods, and are great to snack on throughout the day.Healthy Snack

8. Celery:

Celery is a refreshing source of fiber, vitamin C and B-vitamins. It has a diuretic effect, due to its balance of the electrolytes potassium and sodium. This helps to flush out excess fluid from the body, it is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also great with hummus for a more substantial snack, or try adding it to the Glowing Green Smoothie, which we will cover soon. Healthy Snack

9. Pureed veggie soup:

Making a pureed veggie soup is a great way to get in those veggies on a cold day. Nothing is more comforting than a warm bowl of soup, so try boosting your energy with a bowl of pure veggies. The soup is blended, so your body can easily absorb the nutrients that become readily available, without wasting energy breaking them down.Healthy Drink

10. Lemon Water:

It may sounds simple, but sipping water with lemon (cold or hot) is known to provide energy. One of the biggest forms of fatigue is dehydration, so make sure you are downing your glasses. Lemon gives an added boost of vitamins and enzymes. Be sure to start your day with a cup of hot water with lemon.Healthy Snack


Oats are one of the healthiest carbs you can find. Try some natural oats in the morning, at least 25 minutes after you’ve had some fruit or if you are still hungry after having the Glowing Green Smoothie. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top for even more health benefits and more flavor.Healthy Drink

12. Glowing Green Smoothie:

Try blending up a batch of greens when you feel low on energy. It’s packs a huge amount of good veggies in one drink, with a bit of fruit to sweeten the taste so it is delicious. Loaded with vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and filling fiber, this is my daily ritual for breakfast and a mid-afternoon snack.

Healthy Snack

13. Watermelon:

Watermelon is a great snack, especially in the summer when it’s in season. It contains lycopene, which I mentioned earlier, has been linked to cancer prevention. Be sure to eat it on an empty stomach to experience its full benefits. As with other non-starchy/non-fatty fruits, it digests quickly and needs to pass out of the stomach so it doesn’t prematurely ferment behind slower-digesting foods.Healthy Drink

14. Coconut water:

Drinking coconut water is one of the best ways to naturally rehydrate the body. It is packed full of electrolytes and has detoxifying properties. Young coconuts are best, but are not always convenient. You can find coconut water in cartons in most health food grocery stores these days.Healthy Snack

15. Green Salad:

There’s nothing like a nice, green salad to provide an energy burst. Greens are filled with vitamins and minerals, and digest fairly quickly so you’ll feel the energy. Use a light dressing that includes lemon, and this is a perfect way to get some nutrition when feeling low on energy.Healthy Snack

16. Pineapple:

Pineapple is easy to digest, and contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps aids in digestion and has cleansing properties. Again, be sure to eat on an empty stomach and alone.Healthy Snack

17. Blueberries:

Blueberries are a delicious, energetic snack. These berries are also known to promote brain function and boost energy, so they are a good thing to eat before a test, or when you need to focus. They are abundant and in season at the moment!Healthy Snack

18. Avocado:

Filled with fiber and healthy fats and fiber, avocados are one of my daily staples. They are awesome to keep your skin smooth and youthful as well. They are also known to help lower cholesterol. If you don’t like to eat them plain, try adding avocados to salads.Healthy Snack

19. Raw Granola:

Granola is a great snack when you’re feeling hungry mid-day. Make sure you choose a granola that is not overly processed (a raw variety if you can find it), is preferably gluten-free and does not have a ton of added sugar. Its best to try and make your own, with a base of buckwheat groats.Healthy Drink

20. Herbal Tea:

This is a nice thing to sip when you don’t want to eat anything late at night or in the mid-morning or afternoon. Make sure to go caffeine free. I suggest red rooibos because it contains lots of antioxidants and has a nice flavor.

21. Dried Figs:

Dried figs are an amazing blood purifier and help dissolve mucus and toxins from our system. Make sure you choose brands that don’t add sugars or additives. Figs have a fairly high amount of sugar, so really limit portion size to only a few. If you have  Candida or another sugar issue, you should avoid dried and regular fruit.Healthy Snack

22. Strawberries:

A great snack for some fiber, tons of vitamin C, as well as biotin (great for skin/hair/nails) and folic acid. Strawberries contain high levels of antioxidants. Perfect for the summer!Healthy Snack

23. Quinoa:

Quinoa is a great grain to add to your diet because it is a complete protein, and contains all the essential amino acids. It is one of the most nutritious, filling grains you can choose.Healthy Snack

24. Cucumber:

Cucumber is known to be a beauty vegetable and full of the beauty mineral silicon. It’s a delicious, hydrating and nutrient-rich snack that tastes great on its own, or dipped in hummus. Try making cucumber salad with raw apple cider vinegar.Healthy Snack

25. Raw Sauerkraut:

Sauerkraut is a probiotic-rich food. Probiotics help create B vitamins which will be sure to give you the energy you need throughout your day. Try my Probiotic & Enzyme Salad recipe so you can make your own raw sauerkraut for cents a day.

There you have it guys! I hope you try some of these healthy, energy boosting snacks out! Enjoy your weekend and make sure to stay moving! Wishing you guys a happy and healthy weekend! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Traveling Balance Act! A workout on the go!

Hi Everyone!

Super sorry about not posting this yesterday, I have been super busy and it slipped my mind. Anyways here is this weeks workout, I hope you enjoy!

This week the workout can be done anywhere, you only need a couple of items. This workout also incorporates balance work as well.

Equipment: Matt, Exercise and a chair or a sturdy object you can sit on.

Single Leg Sit to Stand 3x12 each leg

Bicycles 3x10 each side 

Single Leg Dead lift  3x12 each leg 
  • Keep your back straight on the downward motion
  • Goal: Keep your floating leg, floating until you finish your set if you can. 
  • You may add weight or grab a heavy object, if you can keep your back straight and leg floating though the set

Flutter Kicks 3x10 on each side 

Single Leg Balance and Reach 3x12 each side 
  • Try to keep the floating leg, floating for the whole set. 

Lemon Squeezes
  • If this move is too difficult you can place your hands behind your back for support 

Single Leg Wall Sits 3x30sec on each leg 

Bird dogs 3x12 each side (Alternating) 

I hope you guys enjoy and it helps with your balance! Again I apologize for the delay! Thank you guys so much! Until tomorrow...
