Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Moderation is KEY to reaching your goals!

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all doing well, I'm sorry I have been M.I.A for a while but i'm back. I was on vacation and trying to recover from my amazing time at Coachella. I haven't been consistent with my workouts, that's why I haven't posted them. I will start again with my week workouts on Sunday! I have some more exciting news, I am going to start selling my workouts for $1- this will include sets and reps. Eventually I want so start adding videos as well, so you know exactly what you are doing, and what I'm talking about, but for now it will be basic!

Now I want to get into an important topic that I think a lot of people don't think about, and/or realize. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, no matter what it is.

Let's look a little further into it with these key points:

  • If you workout too much, you overtrain your body and cause negative effects, but if you don't workout enough you won't see the results you are looking for and will most likely stay the same. 
  • You always want to mix it up and keep your exercises to a minimum. There is no reason to do 20 leg exercises on leg day, pick a few and focus on those. If you are training for life you have plenty of time to add new exercises into your workouts! 
  • If you don't eat enough your body will hold onto your fat and you will not be able to build muscle or in some cases even lose weight. If you eat too much you will gain weight because you have more calories coming in then going out 
  • If you sleep too much then you will feel tired and groggy and your body will have been fasting for too long, thus leading to holding on to fat for energy stores. If you don't sleep enough you will be tired, lag, and your performance will be down, you will also hold onto fat because your body will need energy to run, thus leading to weight gain. 
How to make sure you are doing everything in moderation and getting the best bang for you buck, or in this case bang for you muscles!! :) 

  • When working out you need to listen to your body, it will let you know when it's tired or you need to rest. If you are soar stretch and give you self a message, Self Myofascial release is a great way to do this. (click on the link for more information and basic ideas.)
    • In order to make sure you are working out enough log your workouts or block off time in your calendar. Create a reward system, if you go to the gym you get to keep you $10 if you don't you put the $10 in a jar and at the end of the month donate it to your favorite charity! It's a win-win situation! 
  • When working out a muscle group you don't want to exceed more then 5 exercises, 3 is usually perfect and it's great if you are in a time crunch. You also always want to mix up your sets and reps to keep your body guessing, one week do 3 sets with 15 reps, next 4 sets with 12 reps. 
    • Also, you want to split up your muscle groups and workout between 3-5 days a week! 
  • Getting into eating, believe it or not if you don't feed your body enough you will store fat and might hold onto that weight. 
    • You need to feed your body fuel! This means proteins, complex carbs, and good fats, here are some examples: proteins-lean turkey, beef, pork, chicken; fats- nuts, nut butter, avocado, coconut oil; complex carbs- oatmeal, brown rice, rice cakes. 
    • If you don't you are more likely to become skinny fat as well, this means that all your muscle will be gone and you will be left with fat, so you may be skinny but there will be no muscle definition or tone. 
    • However, I would also like to mention that if you have a sweet tooth like me, it's ok to eat sweets in moderation. Perfect example I have a piece of dove dark chocolate miniatures it's yummy and does the trick. Also, I like to have a drink every once and a while so I will have a glass of Red Wine with dinner on the weekends. 
    • A good way to keep yourself on track is to track your calories! The website I like to use is my fitness pal, it's free and easy to use! 
  • This brings us to sleep! When you sleep your body recovers and repairs, sleep is so important! You should aim for 7-8 hours any more will actually have negative effects on your body in the long run as well as not enough. You need that happy medium! Here are some awesome benefits that you get from sleep. 
Those are my tips for keeping yourself on track and doing everything in moderation! I hope they help you get closer to your goals! Keep up the great work, you are worth it! Until next time...

Pistols Out..

Sunday, April 6, 2014

March 31st- April 6th

Hi all,

My end date for my goals is coming up and I am super excited! I've been trying to tone up for Coachella, my favorite music festival here is the U.S. I have a couple more days and I'm super excited. Not every week, or ever day has gone exactly the way I was hoping, but that's ok! I love to live life and feel that you should! Everything in moderation! I also had a day where my body was exhausted, so I listened to it, took the day off, and felt better then ever the following! I am exactly where I wanted to be and happy with my results!

Like I said I still have a few more days, but for the most part I have dropped 6 pounds, which is what I wanted and I have toned up and I can see more definition! I'm stoked!

Ok enough about that, I hope your goals are looking the same way, on the up side! If not, don't beat yourself up, just keep trying you will get there! As long as you believe and tell yourself you can, you will! :) Alright here was my workout for the last week!

Monday 31st: 

Cardio:  Sprint Intervals: 30 minutes 

  • Superset: 
    • TRX Single Leg Squats 
    • TRX Bicep Curls 
    • TRX Rows 
  • Superset: 
    • Free motion chest fly 
    • Bent over rear delt rows 
    • Plank glider pull ins 
    • Speed ladder 3x down and back  
  • Superset: 
    • Dumbbell Squat 
    • Free motion Donkey kicks
    • Butterfly kicks 
Tuesday 1st: 

Cardio:  Elliptical intervals of forward and back pedal 
  • Superset: 
    • Alternating toe touch 
    • Spiderman high plank
    • Reverse crunches 
    • In and Out crunches 
    • Up and down Scissor kicks 
Wednesday 2nd:  OFF

Thursday 3rd: 
Cardio:  Elliptical Intervals 
  • Superset: 
    • Seated Machine Row 
    • Machine Hamstring curls 
    • Tricep Dips 
  • Superset: 
    • Barbell Deadlifts 
    • Seated lat pull downs 
    • Over head tricep extension 
  • Superset 
    • Bent over row 
    • Donkey Kicks 
    • Machine ab crunches 
    • Single arm lat pull downs 
Friday 4th: 
Cardio:  Elliptical intervals 
  • Superset: 
    • Barbell squats 
    • Squat trust with bicep curl, to press
    • Seated Arnold press
  • Superset: 
    • Dumbbell box step ups 
    • Bicep curl with diagonal punches 
    • Push ups 
    • Cable lateral raises 
  • Superset: 
    • TRX single leg get ups 
    • Incline dumbbell chest fly 
    • Hanging leg raises 
Saturday 5th: 
  • Superset: 
    • High Plank Dumbbell rows 
    • Bosu Squats 
    • Lateral shoulder press, hammer curl, to press
    • Bosu get ups 
  • Superset: 
    • Side lunge with row 
    • Kick backs 
    • Hanging leg raises 
    • Inchworms
    • Jumping jacks
  • Superset: 
    • Barbell Good mornings
    • Box jumps 
Sunday: OFF

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I was up to this week, and it inspires you to get creative with your workouts as well! I wish you all the best with your goals and I know you can do it! 

Here are some progress pics just incase you are curious :) 

As of April 6th-124 pounds

At the Start March 3rd 130 pounds