Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hi My Name is Ashley... My Friends Call me Pistols!


Hope you are having a great day!!! I thought I would start my first blog with an introduction of who I am, and why I decided to start writing a blog. Give you a sense of who I am.....

My name is Ashley Hiben and I am 24 years old, a new resident here in the great city of San Francisco. Where did I move from you ask.... Albuquerque, New Mexico home of amazing sunsets and bomb food!!! I am a personal trainer and I love every minute of it. Helping people has always been a passion of mine, so now that I am able to actually see my work help people, there is no better feeling or reward.

Now let me tell you how I ended up here as quickly as I can...

Middle school was awful,  I know for some people it was great. I am not one of those people. I was 12 years old and 145 lbs. I will never forget how that felt. I weighed as much as my mother, NOT OK!!! This really brought down my self esteem and of course as middle school kids do, they name called and teased. In turn this taught me lots of lessons (I will touch on them later, made me a great person though)... however the most important note to take from this entry is it started me on my vigorous fitness path... I was motivated to be "HOT", right? like every 12 year old... I wanted to be like "Britney". (yes it's ok to laugh, I am)...

I played soccer for 10 years starting when I was 5 years old. In between I played almost every sport there was, as well as danced and touched some gymnastics. However, soccer was my vice, sadly my freshmen year of high school I pulled my hip flexer....No fun. This lead me to every high school girls dream, I became a...... CHEERLEADER!!! Yes a cheerleader... I traded in my cleats for pom-poms!

What can I say folks I like to dance... and no matter what people think, actually competing as a cheerleader is hard work. Tossing girls in the air, putting up stunts, tumbling, and dancing can wear a person out. Moving on......

College.... I was TERRIFIED of gaining the freshmen 15!! I had worked so hard throughout high school to get in shape I wasn't about to lose all that hard work. Of course at that time you can eat whatever you want, do 5 sit-ups, and your good to go! Anyways, I became obsessed with burning calories... I'm talking 3 hours on the cardio machine, burning 1,200 calories each session, as well as not intaking calories... : /  I was 115 lbs at 5'4. Sounds good right?

WRONG..... I was what is called "skinny fat" (we'll talk about this later). To fulfill my obsession I decided it would be a good idea to take a nutrition class!

AWAKENING!!!!!!!! I was starving myself not giving myself enough nutrients and fainting all over the place thinking I was fine!!! This class saved my life I'm convinced! I was headed down a dark path filled with tons of horrible internal consequences!!! After this I decided to change my focus from elementary education to...... dun, dun, dun, dun....EXERCISE SCIENCE!!!  YAY!!!!!

Studied at UNM under wonderful, world renown exercise scientists, with an amazing laboratory that allowed me to conduct experiments and tests other students in this focus dream of. I graduated December of 2012 a year ago almost to date!! Also, I am taking my NASM certification test on Monday!!! EXCITING!!(wish me luck, please)....

I lived my life for 8 months doing what I wanted and training on the side.... I picked up a trainer, a great man, Will Duran! He lead me into the direction of fitness competitions and so, I competed. Placing 4th out of 40 overall in the model division, and 2nd in the short class division. In the midst of all this I feel madly in love with a wonderful man and moved to the great city of SF (where I had always known I belonged, I visited often throughout my life).

Now here I am writing to you... WHY?! the most important question.... because I gained almost 20 lbs after my move. From drinking and eating as every San Franciscan should be doing, and with minimal exercise to counterbalance it.

I have decided to get back into, drop the weight, and tone up!! I will be writing about anything from nutritional recipes, workouts, my daily struggles, and anything and everything that has to do with getting into shape and staying there!!! I hope you enjoy!!

Thanks for taking your time to read this, and I promise the following entrees won't be as lengthy!!!

Health and Happiness,

Pistols... Out!

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