Wednesday, April 1, 2015

12 easy tips for meal prepping

Hi everyone! 

It has been a while! I'm sorry I have been M.I.A! Life has been a little crazy and I am juggling a lot! I miss you all and I'm excited to be back in action! I wanted to talk about meal prepping today since I know it's a hot topic and people are always looking for tips and ideas, so here you go! I hope you enjoy! 

When it comes to healthy eating, preparation is the key to success. In fact, one study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine suggests that spending time on preparing and cooking meals at home is linked to better nutritional habits. If you are always on the go and need the accessibility of prepackaged foods and restaurant meals, it might be hard to quite those habits.

However, anything is possible when you put your mind to it! You just have to be ready and willing to take the time to plan and prep those meals. It will help make healthy choices easy! Instead of hitting up your go to restaurant or corner deli for a cold cut calorie loaded sandwich, you’ll have a nutritious and delicious home cooked meal that can be heated up faster than you can walk two blocks.  Another bonus you will also save money while you’re at it!
I know for some cooking can be a bit scary but there are a ton of tricks out there to make it easy. From breakfast options to methods for whipping up meals in bulk, this will help you to set up for a healthy week. Grab your favorite Tupperware and let’s get started!

1. Season meat three ways using just one pan:
If you’re sticking to lean meats like chicken, chowing down on the same flavors can get tedious after a while. I know for myself it became old, really fast. Save your taste buds and time by preparing two or three variations of chicken at once, using aluminum foil dividers in your pan. Sriracha, BBQ, honey mustard — you can have it all!

2. Hard-boil eggs in the oven — not in a pot.
An excellent source of protein, vitamins A and B and healthy fat, eggs are a no brainer choice when eating healthy. The problem is that you can usually only fit up to five eggs in a pot. To make a delicious dozen at one time, bake your eggs in muffin tins for just 30 minutes. You’ll get a perfectly hard-boiled batch. Pro tip: Do a small test run first to ensure your oven doesn’t run too hot or too cold before cooking a full pan of eggs.

3. Freeze blended smoothies in muffin tins.
Never have the time to measure out a million fixings for a morning sip? Save time by buying the ingredients in bulk, blending your favorite beverage, and then freezing the mixture in muffin tins.

4. Chop or spiralize raw vegetables in advance.
My spiraler is one of my favorite kitchen tools, if you don’t have one, it’s time to get one! If you are always in a rush, like me, and you are too hangry to make dinner when you get home try this out. Cut veggies in bulk ahead of time to avoid wasting precious minutes chopping on busy weeknights. Zucchini noodles and butternut squash noodles will stay fresh in the fridge for 3-5 days, and chopped vegetables like carrots, onion and pepper will last a week when refrigerated properly in a sealed plastic bag or tupperware. My boyfriend and I love zucchini spaghetti night, we actually prefer it to pasta.

5. Roast different vegetables with same cooking time.

Roasting vegetables is a great way to bring out their natural sweetness, but waiting 30 to 40 minutes for each pan to cook can be time-consuming. To prep a large batch of veggies, try pairing them based on roasting time. Fast-cooking vegetables that can bake in the same pan include asparagus, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes; slow-roasting vegetables include carrots, cauliflower, onions, potatoes and parsnips.

6. Make portions crystal clear.

Guard against overeating by portioning your nuts, pretzels, veggies or favorite nibbles into plastic baggies or portable jars. It’s easy to mindlessly munch when you’ve got an entire bag sitting in front of you, but having just enough ready to go for lunch or a snack will keep you from going overboard.

7. Customize healthy oatmeal jars.

Fiber-rich foods like oatmeal are ideal for keeping you satiated until lunchtime, but most packets have lots of added sugar and unnatural preservatives. If you DIY and use portable glass jars, you’ll control exactly what and how much you’re eating. From “monkey mix” to “raspberries and dark chocolate,” these genius flavor combinations will keep your taste buds happy.

8. Bag up smoothie ingredients.
Ever put a little of this, a little of that in your blender and end up with a supersized smoothie? Save yourself from unnecessary calories by pre-assembling and freezing the ingredients. By measuring out your berries, yogurt (frozen in an ice cube tray) and greens ahead of time, your shake will be perfectly portioned, every time.

9. Use muffin tins for smarter breakfast frittatas.
This is great if you have kids also, because it is fun and healthy. The only way one of my clients can get her kid to eat veggies is if they come in the shape of a muffin! These are perfect! Also, for you adults and parents you get to enjoy a delicious frittata every morning of the week, and only turn your stove on once. The secret? Make-ahead egg muffins! Make several of these recipes in advance (you can store in the fridge for up to five days) so you don’t get bored throughout the week. Wrap them in a paper towel to microwave them so they won’t dry out.

10. Always roll with some protein-rich snacks.
Protein is essential for muscle recovery after a tough workout and it also keeps hunger at bay — making it an A+ choice for snacks. Instead of reaching for a packaged protein bar that could have more than 400 calories and 28 grams of sugar, try making your own energy balls. Whip up a batch and store them in the fridge for up to six days.

11Skewer meats for quick portions.
Kabobs aren’t just for street meat. Weighing your chicken (or salmon or beef) and putting it on wooden skewers can help you control how much you’re eating in one sitting. (Four ounces of chicken has approximately 36 grams of protein, and six ounces of salmon has 34 grams of protein.) Cook up a batch and save some skewers for the rest of the week. If you’re using wooden ones, remember to soak them in water so they won’t catch fire in your grill or oven.

12. Pre-assemble jarred lunch salads.

Think salad from home is a no-go because it always gets soggy? Think again. Using a glass jar will save your veggies from getting mucky before lunchtime. Put your dressing at the bottom of the jar, layering sturdier vegetables like peppers and beets, and then saving the leafy greens for the top. Put a paper towel square at the top to absorb moisture if you’re storing the salad for multiple days. 

I hope you enjoyed and these tips were helpful! Have a great day and until next time! 
Pistols..Out! xo 

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