Thursday, May 2, 2013

Get Better Results From Your Workout!

Hi Guys, 

Happy Thursday! Hope everyone is a having a fabulous week! If you are in the bay area, I hope you are enjoying this amazing weather we have been having!! 

This week I want to touch on a couple key things that will help maximize your workouts and get you better results. Who  doesn't want that? Alright so these tips are simple and definitely do-able! Alright, let's start gaining some knowledge! 

Before you workout: 

When training it is important to make sure that you are getting the right amount of nutrients in your body. This means consuming protein, to allow your body to build that lean muscle mass. To do this have a pre-workout snack! This should be eaten approximately 1 to 1.5 hours before you train. Now, portion size is important and should be kept at about 4 ounces. This combination of portion size and timing allows training not to interfere with digestions. Also, you want to make sure that you are hydrated, because dehydration will prevent you from seeing those results you want. 

If you are strength training your pre-workout should contain caffeine and a good fat, this is to release dopamine. Why do you want to do that you ask.... because if you remember from last week... it helps you stay motivated, driven, and helps with muscle control and function. These will all help with athletic performance. 

This one is very important, you should avoid simple carbohydrates and sugars. The reason being is that they increase serotonin instead of dopamine. If you want to increase your muscle mass, you should aim to increase your insulin levels before working out. Therefore, the optimal pre-workout meal should include a serving of lean protein such as fish, turkey, or egg whites along with a complex carbohydrate that is either the same size as the protein or a little larger (sweet potato or wild rice).

After a workout: 

If you are looking to increase strength and muscle mass, your post-workout meal should contain both protein and carbohydrates. If you are digesting a protein shake it should contain a ratio of 1 gram of protein for every 4 grams of carbohydrates and should be consumed right after your workout.

Adding a green drink- a combination of spinach, kale, cucumbers, celery, and other greens-to your routine can help speed recovery by up to 50 percent by increasing alkalinity and counteracting the effects of the lactic acid produced by strength-training.

Protein shakes should be followed about an hour later by a snack containing a lean protein and a complex carbohydrate of the same size or a little larger. Good options include egg whites and oatmeal, turkey and a sweet potato, or chicken and wild rice.

Looking to lose weight:

If fat loss is your goal, new studies show that working out first thing on and empty stomach can help. The reason being is that it forces the body to use its own energy stores and break down fat for energy.

Instead of having a post-workout snack, try to have a full meal about an hour after your workout. Portion control is important!!! Make sure you are consuming fewer calories than you burn throughout the day.

Those are the few helpful tips I have for you this week! I hope you enjoyed and I hope that it helped!! Again thank you all for the support! Keep up the good work and enjoy your weekend!! Also, Happy Cinco de Mayo to all of those who celebrate! 

Until next week.....


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