Thursday, March 7, 2013

What's up with this Cellulite?

Hi everyone!

This week I am gonna touch a little bit on that dreaded cellulite. A lot of people have it, and of course any one that does, wants to get rid of it. How? Is the question at hand. Do you do it with exercise, nutrition, creams, oils, vitamins. You could drive yourself crazy with all the options that are out there.

First let's take a closer look at what cellulite actually is. It is a condition in which the skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits, giving the skin a dimpled, lumpy look. Common areas it is seen include the glutes and thighs, and usually occurs after puberty.

Of course we all know what it looks like, but where in the heck does it come from. What causes this? There are actually several causes:

  1. Hormonal factors: Estrogen, insulin, noraderanline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are all part of the cellulite production process. 
  2. Genetics: thank the folks. Certain genes are required to develop cellulite. Factors include gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat, and circulatory insufficiency. 
  3. Diet!!!: people who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater development.
  4. Lifestyle: more prevalent in smokers, those who do NOT exercise, and those or sit or stand in one position for long periods of time. 
  5. Clothing: underwear that is too tight with elastic across the glutes (limiting blood flow) may contribute. 

How do you fix it and/or get rid of it?

It saddens me to say that unfortunately you can't. The good news however, is you can shrink those fat sells which will reduce your cellulite. 

It can be prevented however, by you guessed it.... Eating healthy. Low fat foods such as fruits, veggies, and fiber can help. As well as exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing stress are recommended for the prevention. Also for the ladies, wearing thongs, boyshorts, or looser fitting underwear can also help! 

That's all for this week! I hope you enjoyed, have a great weekend! 


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