Hi all you gym rats,
I hope that you had a great weekend! I just received my new shoes in the mail, which inspired me to write this post. I want to talk to you about the importance of your shoes!! Our feet carry us all day, and we need to make sure that we take care of them, and treat them well!
Your shoes might be the most important piece of equipment you can own as an active person. Every time you jog or do anything aerobic you are transferring three times your body weight to your bones and tissues of your feet. For the average weekend runner, this amounts to over 100 tons of force applied to your feet for every mile that you run. This is why it is so important that you wear proper footwear.
It is really important is the type of work-out shoe you will need, and it will be dictated by the shape of your feet.What is awesome is that there are a lot of places, and shoe stores that will look at your movement pattern when you walk/run, as well as examine your footprint impressions to see where you place your weight.
After your foot type has been determined, it's time to invest in some awesome new work-out
shoes. Now here comes the hard part, are you a jogger or are you
purchasing shoes for aerobics? What's the difference? If you are a
jogger, you are constantly striding forward with your heel striking
first and then rolling toward the toes. Select a shoe that gives you
about an extra quarter-inch in the toe box. Make sure that the shoe has
enough flexibility at the point where the balls of your feet meet the
toes, so that the shoe will bend when you do.
If you're buying
shoes for aerobics, remember that in most work-outs your toes strike the
ground first and then you press down, using the heel to help absorb the
shock. Make sure your aerobics shoe has extra support in the toe box to
help relieve the pounding on the delicate toes. The importance of
buying the correct footwear cannot be stressed enough. Most jogging and
aerobic injuries are preventable, as long as the proper shoes are worn.
I actually prefer Nike Free's, they are light, provided support, and come in awesome colors (which is really important for us ladies :)) Also, a plus my new shoes match my computer case, which I think is awesome! Take a look!
I hope that this is helpful, and remember shoes only last up to 300-500 miles!! Keep a look out for my workouts this week!
Have a great day peeps!!!
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