Thursday, May 29, 2014

Wednesday 5/28 and Thursday 5/29 workout- Chest and Tri's; Back and Bi's; as usual abs :)

Hi Everyone,

Here is my workout from yesterday and today! Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday 5/28- Chest and Tri

Alternating toe touches (starfish)
Tricep over head extension w/ rope
High plank shoulder taps

Single arm free motion physio-ball seated chest fly
Physio-ball pull ins
Bent over dumbbell tricep kick backs
Physio-ball mountain climbers

Dumbbell standing chest scoops
Single arm free motion tricep pull down w/ handle


Thursday 5/29- Back and Bi's 

Lat pull downs
Bicycle crunches
Standing dumbbell bicep curls
Mountain climbers

Pull-ups (assisted)
Barbell push-press to front and back
Decline leg lifts
Dumbbell seated alternating hammer curls


Enjoy! Remember all workouts now include pictures, sets and reps! :) I'll put up a progress pic soon! Kick butt everyone and keep working hard! You will reach those goals, it just takes time and hard work! Without both you won't succeeded!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday May 27th Workout

Hi everyone,

For those of you who had memorial day off, I hope you enjoyed it! As for those of you who have served or our serving our country I would like to thank you with all my heart for everything you do for us! I would also like to thank your families for supporting you and helping you in the good and bad times. Without you this country would not exist, it is because of the heroes that protect this country, that fight for this country, and who would do anything and everything to protect what it stands for. Thank you!

Now for those of you who are looking for my workout today here it is below! Enjoy it was a killer one today, I didn't know if I was going to make it, but I did! Good luck you will kill it too!

P.S. Today's HIIT can all be done with your bodyweight. If you want you are more than welcome to add weight but it is not needed!

Stair master

HIIT: (high intensity intervals) 

High knees
Jumping jacks

Pulse squat
Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks

Split jumps
Jumping jacks

Wall jumps
Lunge with squat
Hip bridge/Glute bridge
Dead lift

Hanging leg raises
Captain chair side raises


Thursday, May 22, 2014

No Excuses! Workout! You are worth it and you DO HAVE TIME!!!!

Hi everyone!

I had posted that I might not be able to grab another workout this week because I was booked solid with clients..... well I was able to get a workout in! I wanted to let you know because it is important that you realize and see, that no matter what you are doing, no matter how busy life is, there is ALWAYS time for YOU, and if getting in shape, losing weight, or reaching a new goal is important to you, you can make time for that workout that gets you one step closer to that goal.

Today I woke up at 5:30am, drove 45 minutes to work, Started training at Facebook at 7:00am-2pm. I had two 30 minute breaks in-between my 11 clients that I saw today. I then left work, filled up my gas tank, drove for an hour to get home, had 30 minutes for a late lunch, time to let my dog do her business, and a moment to sit down. Then I went to the private gym I work out of to train 4 more clients, which I had one 30 minute break. During this 30 minute break I choose to do to the workout below, which I have been posting quite frequently. However, what I haven't mentioned is that I have been increasing my weight by 5 pounds every time I complete the workout, or go down in weight for the assisted pull-ups. It was tough but I got it done!

This just goes to show that if you want it bad enough, if it is important to you, you will find a way to make it happen! You are worth it, you deserve to feel good, to feel confident! You deserve the best quality of life you can offer yourself.

There are so many excuses, but none of them are going to get you where you want to be. You have to work hard! Do an at home workout, go for a run, lift your kids, do any extra physical activity!! It all counts! I hope this helps to motivate you and get you closer to where you want to be! You are not alone in this fight, there are so many others out there trying to workout, get in shape, tone up, or lose weight! Take one step closer, make it a priority!! YOU ARE AWESOME! :)

Until next time....

Pistols out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21 workout- High Intensity Training

Hi all,

Today will probably be my last post for this week, I am crazy busy all day tomorrow at work and I leave out of town Friday afternoon, which I will also be back to back with clients up until my flight. If I get anytime for a quick workout I will be sure to post it! Here was todays workout:

May 21- Wednesday:

Barbell press
Adduction machine
Abduction machine
Med ball slams
Bicycle crunches

High plank dumbbell rows
Decline leg raises
Squat thrust


Enjoy and kick some butt! Also, if I don't speak to you all until Sunday/Monday for those of you who celebrate, have a fun and safe memorial day weekend!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 26th and May 27th workout-Tone it up and blast fat

Monday May 26th-
Barbell Squats
Reverse Lat pull downs
Lunge, Lunge, Squat
Physioball Dumbbell Chest Fly
Physioball mountain climbers
Rope overhead tricep extensions
Rope slams
Single leg squats on box

Speed ladder
Ab roller

Tuesday May 27th:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ass kicking workout, workout like a spartan!

Hi team,

Hope you guys are having a good week! I will be posting my usual workouts later this week, I am also going to try to post them daily for you all, that way you can do them with me! However, I have started a new workout that I am doing 3x a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you want to do it with me, the workout is below!

Keep in mind that I do not, do the posted weight I have modified it to a weight that I can lift. Make sure you do the same! Also, for the pull-ups I use the assisted machine or a band! :) Enjoy and good luck!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Workout May 5th-11th- Bonus workout with rep, set, and pictures


Hope you all had a great weekend, and were able to do something active and fun over the weekend! Getting in a two for one when working out is my favorite!

This past week I was feeling under the weather so I wasn't able to get in a lot of workouts this week! I was able to get in three workouts this week. I will share those with you and in addition, I am also including a workout with sets, reps, and pictures to insure you know what you are doing! Let's take a look! :)

Monday May 5th:
Cardio: Stair master- 30 minutes
Elliptical- 10 minutes


Tuesday May 6th: Leg Day
Cardio: Stair-master
Leg Press
GHD-Glute-Ham-developer (if you don't have this you can use a lying leg curl machine instead)
Decline leg lifts


 Wednesday May 7th: Back and Bi
Pull-ups (assisted)
Chin-ups (assisted)
Machine Row
Curl to reverse press
Decline sit ups
Seated reverse fly
Seated hammer curls
Bicycle Crunches


 Bonus Workout: 

You can do this workout up to 3x a week if you would like. It is a total body workout, that you can do at the gym, or in your own home if you have the necessary equipment.

What to do: preform the circuit all the way through before starting again. You want to complete the circuit 3-5 times.

Rest between exercises- 0-60 seconds (or as long as you need to catch your breath)

  • Stop if you feel dizzy or faint 
Rest between circuits- 1:00-2:30 minutes 

Dumbbell step up to bicep curl: 10 steps on each side, 20 curls total 

Push-ups: 10 

Rope overhead tricep extensions: 10 

Rope high row, in a squat: 10

Jumping jacks: 50

Leg lifts: 15

Dumbbell bent over rows: 10

Grasshoppers: 10 on each side 

Reverse lunges: 10 on each leg 


I hope you all enjoy taking a peek at the workouts I was able to get in this week and enjoy your bonus workout! 

Remember to eat 60 minutes before you workout, get a good nights rest, and stay hydrated! 

You are going to kick butt! Just keep telling your self that you can do it, and before you know it, it will be over! You are all amazing I know you are capable of kicking this workouts butt! Now get out there and do it! 

Until next time..


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Want to lose that fat? Effective ways how to shred the pounds!

Hi everyone! 

I hope you are having a great week and you are working hard to hit those goals! Stay focused, and don't let your hiccups bring you down! On that note, I want to share with you some effective ways to loss body fat.  Below are methods that can be used together or separately depending on your goals and the fat loss stage you are at. There is a lot of information here, so try and stay with me, because there are some good tools and tips that will help you reach those goals and burn fat! 

Exercise moderately with both aerobics and weights:
    • For overweight individuals it is best to start the fat burning phase with low intensity aerobics and weight training. This is to ensure that the body is not placed under undue stress at the early stage. Then gradually increase intensity 
    • Moderate aerobics are likely to burn a greater amount of body fat if the intensity is kept at around 70% of your max heart rate, aiming for 35-55 minutes. 
    • For weight training, it is best to use moderate weight with high repetitions (3x15, 4x12, 15/15/12/12). Also, remember that lower intensity weight training and aerobics should both be down int he same program to maximize results. ALWAYS MIX IT UP!! :) 
Gradually cut back on all bad fats (keep the good fats), while also cutting out simple carbohydrates:
    • It has been shown that fat intake of the wrong kind will result in increased fat gains. This is because the body will typically burn carbohydrates for rule and use protein to repair. This is why you should cut back on the bad fats and increase the good ones! Here is a link with some info and shows you the difference between good and bad! 
    • Also, good fats such as omega 3's will actually have a fat burning effect as they enhance metabolic function. 
    • Complex carbohydrates will generally maximize the fat burning effect without causing the outpouring of insulin, which causes greater fat storage. 
      • include brown rice, beans, oats, and potatoes
    • However, simple-sugar carbohydrates should be avoided during the fat loss stage because they can cause insulin spikes and result in fat gains
    • The third type of carb is FIBER, this can be found in high wheat foods and certain fruits and veggies. 
    • Best times to eat complex carbs for fat loss are at all meals before 6:00pm. If you are going to eat simple carbs try and eat them right after training, while your body is more likely to store them as glycogen, not fat, at that stage
    • Recommended intake for tiger is 30 grams per day
Mix up aerobic sessions: 
  • For the sake of not going insane, getting burnt out, or just plain saving you from boredom, it is worth it to incorporate different kinds of aerobic activities into your workout. Different aerobic activities with have different fat burning effects on your body. Combining different aerobic activities may stimulate the metabolism to greater heights, therefore enhancing fat loss. 
    • Example: High intensity interval training (which I will touch on next), combining various cardio machines: 15 minutes on the treadmill-15 on the elliptical- 15 on the stair master, Fat burner or Interval option, Sprint intervals (sprint 30sec, recover 45sec)
Exercise aerobically after weight training or first thing in the morning: 
  • Some studies have found that aerobically training directly after weight training, or first thing int he morning will stimulate greater gains in fat loss. The idea behind this is that glycogen stores will be depleted at the is time and therefore fat will be used directly for fuel
    • In many cases it as worked, but some also find it not a valid method, it's worth trying though. 
HIIT Training: 
  • High intensity interval training, is an advanced form of aerobics designed to strip body fat at a faster rate. It is not for everyone, and it can be very demanding, but one of the more effective ways to loss body fat for the intermediate and advanced person. 
    • This requires that you train at a high intensity, near maximal effort for a serious of intervals. 
    • Intervals can last anywhere from 10-30 seconds, and entire session might last only 20 minutes. This of course depends on the stage one is at
    • Ex:
      • 20 sec med ball slams, 10 sec rest, 20 sec sprints, 10 sec rest, 20 sec squat jumps with 2 minute rest in-between for 20 minutes total 
Stagger food intake: 
  • There are many variations of this, the guiding principle however stays the same. After a period of low calories the body will tend to hold onto fat; on this note it is thought that upping the calories will up the metabolic rate (your metabolism) to burn more adipose tissue. 
  • Generally the extra calories will not be stored as fat as long as the high calorie days are limited to certain period and are promptly followed by the lower calorie days
    • the higher calorie days are NOT open invitations to PIG OUT, but SHOULD be comprised of clean proteins, carbs and fats. 
    • This strategy is best practiced when trying to drop the remaining five to ten pounds of fat and when one is in reasonably good shape to begin with 
    • If one is overweight, the higher caloric days could do more harm then good
Drink at least 1 gallon of water per day: 
  • A higher than normal water intake is crucial for fat loss. Water intake is important for fat metabolism as it helps the liver to preform the function of fat conversion for energy purposes. 
    • Unfortunately the liver also has to work on behalf of the kidney's if they are water deprived. This lowers the total productivity of the liver, which causes problems for the fat conversion process. 
    • Drinking water is an important step toward fat reduction. 
Weight Training: 
  • This is my favorite activity and perfect for fat loss. Although it doesn't directly burn a greater number of fat stores than cardio, weights will build muscle which in turn will increase the metabolic rate for 24 hours a day. The more muscle you have the better your chances are of losing body fat! 
Those are my 8 tips for losing fat, and turning yourself into a fat burning machine! I hope that they help, and you reach your goals sooner rather than later! You are all awesome and deserve the very best quality of life, so get up and get moving! Stop making excuses and start feeling better inside and out! Much love! 

Until next time...


Sunday, May 4, 2014

April 28th-May 4th Workout

Hi everyone!

Hope you had a great week and made the most of it! I am super excited because today I am putting up my workouts for $1. The workouts contain the sets and reps, along with rest time between exercises and sets. I hope that you enjoy and it helps you reach those goals I know you are working so hard to get!

Also, If you have any feed back please feel free to leave comments, requests, or any questions you might have! Enjoy and keep being your awesome selves! Keep reaching for those goals, because you are worth it! Now go take this workout and hit the gym! :)

Monday April 28th:
Cardio: Stair-master- 30 minutes

Tuesday April 29th:
Cardio: Stair-master- 30 minutes
Weights: Leg day
Leg press machine
Barbell Deadlifts
Barbell Squats
Leg Curl machine

Adduction machine
Abduction machine

Superset: abs
Leg raises
Butterfly crunches
Scissor Kicks 1


Wednesday April 30th:
Cardio: Stair master- 30 minutes
Weights: Chest and Tri

Dumbbell chest fly
Overhead rope extension
Physioball crunches

Tricep push-up
High plank Jump ins


Thursday May 1st:
Cardio: stair master-30 mintues
Weights: Back and Bi
Burpee to pull-up (or assisted)
TRX bicep curl
Bicycle crunches

Standing dumbbell reverse fly
Seated alternating bicep curl
Low plank hold

Machine lat pull down
Barbell reverse curls
Hanging leg raises


Friday May 2nd: Total Body
Hanging leg raises
Barbell walking lunges
High plank jumping jacks

Speed Ladder
Spider man push-ups
High plank reaches

Adduction machine
Abduction machine
Pull ups (assisted)
Standing dumbbell alternating hammer curls
Tricep dips on bench


Saturday & Sunday: REST 

Enjoy, kick some butt and work hard! Until next time..
