Saturday, November 2, 2013

Weekend Warrior Workout

Hey my fitness fanatics!

Hope you had a great Halloween! I'm sure all of your costumes were spooktastic! I wanted to give you guys a fun weekend warrior workout! Many of us tend to let loose on the weekends and seem to put the gym on the back burner. Remember a 1 hour workout is 5% of your day!! That's nothing! Set some time aside this weekend, grab a buddy and get your sweat on. You will feel better and you are one step closer to reaching your goal!! Eye on the prize, right?! RIGHT! Ok let's get started.


  • A chair, bench, or a sturdy ledge 
  • Matt if you would like 

Instructions: There are 7 exercises with times or reps, try to get through the exercises as quickly as you can. Take breaks when needed however, and make sure you stay hydrated. There is a rest time between each round of 1:30, if you need to take a longer break that is fine.

1:00 Squats

1:00 Crunches
30 second Jump Squats 

1:00 Supermans

45 Second Mountain climbers 

30 Seconds Push-ups 

45 Second Tricep dips 

Take a 1:30 second break or as long as you need to recover. 
Then repeat the circuit 2-4 more times! 

Enjoy your weekend!!


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