Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Partner Training Madness!!!

Hello everyone,

Hope your week is off to a great start and you were able to relax and enjoy your weekend. It always important to find time for yourself so you can reflect and take a moment to appreciate those little things that make you so happy!

On that note, most of us enjoy the company of others. Working out is hard work and it makes it a lot easier when you have a workout buddy! I know it definitely keeps me going. My buddy helps me push through those hard moments when you want to give up, and helps me go to the gym when I don't want to. In honor of all of our workout buddies, here is a workout that you can do together!

This week I don't have a lot of pictures, just really good descriptions! I hope you enjoy!

Squat Jump: 3x10-12

With both partners holding one end of a resistance tube or band, stand facing each other, far enough apart to create some tension in the band. Next, lower down into a squat position, synchronization is key here, jump up as high as you can. Land in a stable squat position. 

 Lunge and Full-Body Rotation: 4x8-12

Each grab an end of the resistance tube, and stand beside each other, far enough so there’s some tension between you. In perfect sync lunge forward with the outside leg while simultaneously rotating away from one another (moving in a diagonal patter away from each other. Press back up and back staying on the same side for the full rep count. 

Mid-Row with Tubing: 3x10-12

 With two tubes intertwined, stand facing each other far enough apart that the tubing is tight. Next, lower in a squat position with the core engaged and back flat. Maintaining the squat bring the elbows straight back with the palms facing in, and squeeze the shoulder blades together. Return to start position, counting it out with your partner until you reach your desired goal.

Tricep Kickbacks: 3x12-14
Start facing your partner, your partner will have their right foot in front of the left, holding one end of a resistance band in your right hand. Your partner will mirror you with the left foot front and the band in the left hand. While contracting the abs, bend forward at the hips with the knees slightly bent, and slowly straighten the arm to pull back the band. Be sure to stay in sync for maximum resistance, return to start. 

External Rotation: 4x10-12
To strengthen the rotator cuffs, stand side-by-side with your partner, facing the same direction. Both will grab one handle of one tube with the outside arm, and have the outside elbow, bent at 90 degrees, anchored at the waist. Keeping the upper arm at your side, slowly rotate your forearm away from the body. If anything feels uncomfortable, there’s no need to push through! 

Band Sprints:

 For a heart-pumping, high-intensity workout, take turns running sprints with some added resistance. Have the sprinter take the track, or some other open space, with the resistance band across their waist, and their partner holding the ends tightly behind them. Designate a finish line, this should be about 10-20 meters away, and sprint hard all the way through, pumping the arms and driving the knees up high. Switch roles for an extra break, or have one partner rest and power through a few consecutive sets before switching.

 Sit-Ups Pass: 3x15-20

Start seated on the floor next to your partner, facing opposite directions, with knees bent. Holding the medicine ball to your chest, both recline to the floor, come back up, and pass the ball to your partner.  

Their you have it, now grab your workout buddy and get sweating!! 


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