Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blast That Belly Fat!

Hi guys, 

Hope everyones weekend was nice and relaxing, as it should be! This weeks workout is going to cover exercises that will help you blast that abdominal fat!! That tier we are all constantly trying to get rid of. The great news too is that this workout is only 15-mintues!!! Not only are you blasting fat but you are getting it done in a small amount of time.Let's get to it! Time to blast that fat! 

Equipment: Matt, Medicine Ball or Dumbbell, Swiss/Physioball, and a wall. 

Stability Ball Pelvic Tilt Crunch

  1. Grab a five-to 10-pound medicine ball (or dumbbell). Lying faceup on a stability ball with your upper back and head pressed against the ball and your feet together on the floor, hold the medicine ball against your chest.
  2. Brace your abs and crunch up until your shoulders are off the ball. Then reach the ball toward the ceiling. Lower it and return to the starting position. Do 12 to 15 reps.

  3. Mountain Climber with Hands on Swiss Ball 

    Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight and hands on a Swiss ball. Lift your right foot off the floor and slowly raise your knee as close to your chest as you can. Touch the floor with your right foot. Return to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg. Alternate back and forth for 30 second.

    The Matrix

    1. Grab a five-to 10-pound medicine ball (or dumbbell) and kneel on the floor with your knees hip-width apart. Keep your torso upright and hold the ball against your abs.
    2. Slowly lean back as far as possible, keeping your knees planted. Hold the reclined position for three seconds, then use your core to slowly come up to the starting position. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    3. Knee-Cross Crunch

      1. Stand with your shoulders in line with your hips, and extend your left arm up and your right leg to the side, toes pointed.
      2. Lower your left elbow and raise your right knee, crunching them together on a diagonal line. Return to the starting position. That's one rep. Do 12 to 15 on each side

      The Sprinter

      1. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, legs straight, and heels hovering six to 12 inches off the floor.
      2. As you sit up, lift and bend your left elbow, and pull your right knee to your chest, as if you were sprinting. Return to the starting position, keeping your legs raised, and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. That's one rep. Do 10 to 12.

      Wall Crunch and Twist

      1. Sit on a stability ball, facing a wall. Lie back so the middle to small of your back is resting on the ball. Place your feet hip-width apart on the wall with your knees bent 90 degrees; cross your arms over your chest.
      2. Curl up and twist through the waist to the left. Return to center and curl down so your back is parallel to the floor, then twist up to the right. That's one rep. Do 10 to 12.

      There you have it guys! Your quick and easy belly blasting workout!! I hope you enjoy! Try to do this 3-5x a week!! Until Thursday, stay happy and healthy! 


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