Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Speed Demon Workout!

Hello everyone,

Hope you all had a great, healthy weekend! This weeks workout is a total body workout, from head to toe. The goal is to keep it low weight, high rep. I will have you go 2 sets of 20 reps for all the exercises.  You can do the workout between 3 and 4 times. 


  • Dumbbells or Kettelbells
  • Matt ( if desired, not needed) 

  • Dumbbell Squat, Bicep Curl, to Shoulder Press
    •  Make sure you are sitting in those heels
    • Do not shrug your shoulders when you bicep curl, pull your shoulder blades down into your back
    • On the press rotate for the curl into the press, elbows come out to a ninety degree angel, wrist on top of elbows. Don't let the weights hit at the top. 

  • Hamstring Bridge With Chest Press
    • Make sure you squeeze your glutes at the top 
    • Pull your navel into your spin the whole time 
    • Elbows are at ninety degrees
    • Wrists and Elbows are in line with one another 
    • Squeeze your pecs at the top 

  • Forward Lunge with Lateral Shoulder Raise 
    • Make sure you tilt your pelvis forward in the lunge
      • you should feel a pull in your hip flexor
    • Make sure your knee does not travel past your toe
    • On the lateral raises if you can not bring your arms all the way up, that is ok, just bring them as high as you can without bending your elbows. 

  • X-men Mountain Climbers 
    • Make sure you keep your hips down in the plank
    • Keep your body off of the floor 
    • Drive the opposite knee to opposite elbow
  • Tricep Push-ups
    • Start on your knees then work your way up to regular
      • you can also start at an incline or on the wall as well! 
    • Make sure you drive your elbows straight back
      • They should run across your torso
That's your workout for the week. Kill it! Until Thursday, have a great week. Remember you are only as strong as YOU think YOU are. Keep going, don't give up, and you will see those results you want. I believe in you, it just takes time! 


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