Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5 tips on how to keep your healthy habits in check

Hello all my fitness lovers! 

I hope you are having a great week! I can't believe it's already Wednesday! This week is flying by! I wanted to share with you today five awesome tips to keep your kitchen in order, and to help you reach your goals even faster. These are easy things that you can do to keep your kitchen ready for those moments that you have cravings, are running late, or just looking for a quick snack! 

I hope this is helpful and keeps you moving in the right direction! 

#1 - And the biggest thing that sounds so obvious, but a lot of girls forget to do: Get rid of everything in the kitchen that's getting in your way. You won't eat what you don't have in your house and you will eat what you DO have in your house.

#2 - Pin something inspiring to your fridge! This way you can remember your goals and 1) not be tempted to eat out of boredom or stress and 2) make good choices when you are genuinely hungry.

#3 - Have a fruit bowl on your counter. Not only is it pretty (and something you can paint a still life of if you get bored), a piece of fruit is a great grab-and-go 100 calorie snack!

#4 - Get your pantry to work for you not against you. Keep it stocked with portion-controlled snacks like 100 calorie bags of almonds and 100 calorie bags of popcorn. It's way less easy to over-snack when everything's portioned for you.

#5 - Keep a sexy fridge. Have veggies cut up and ready to munch on at all times. They're a great way to distract yourself if you're hungry while cooking dinner. Hard-boiled eggs and string cheese are also great filling low-calorie snacks to have on hand. So are Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.

Have a great day! 

Much love... Pistols Out! xoxo 




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