Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5 tips on how to keep your healthy habits in check

Hello all my fitness lovers! 

I hope you are having a great week! I can't believe it's already Wednesday! This week is flying by! I wanted to share with you today five awesome tips to keep your kitchen in order, and to help you reach your goals even faster. These are easy things that you can do to keep your kitchen ready for those moments that you have cravings, are running late, or just looking for a quick snack! 

I hope this is helpful and keeps you moving in the right direction! 

#1 - And the biggest thing that sounds so obvious, but a lot of girls forget to do: Get rid of everything in the kitchen that's getting in your way. You won't eat what you don't have in your house and you will eat what you DO have in your house.

#2 - Pin something inspiring to your fridge! This way you can remember your goals and 1) not be tempted to eat out of boredom or stress and 2) make good choices when you are genuinely hungry.

#3 - Have a fruit bowl on your counter. Not only is it pretty (and something you can paint a still life of if you get bored), a piece of fruit is a great grab-and-go 100 calorie snack!

#4 - Get your pantry to work for you not against you. Keep it stocked with portion-controlled snacks like 100 calorie bags of almonds and 100 calorie bags of popcorn. It's way less easy to over-snack when everything's portioned for you.

#5 - Keep a sexy fridge. Have veggies cut up and ready to munch on at all times. They're a great way to distract yourself if you're hungry while cooking dinner. Hard-boiled eggs and string cheese are also great filling low-calorie snacks to have on hand. So are Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.

Have a great day! 

Much love... Pistols Out! xoxo 




Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bi's/ Tri's and Back Lifting Workout

Hi all,

Here is a bicep and back workout for you. These are both supposed to be done on two different days. :) Enjoy and happy lifting! 

Bi and Tri Workout: 
Barbell Curls 3x10 
Seated Dumbbell Curls 3x12
Cable Curl 3x15
Close Grip Bench Press 3x10
Lying Barbell Extension 3x12
Tricep Cable Push Down 3x15 

Back Workout: 
Dumbbell Row 4x8
Seated Cable Row 4x15
Chest Supported Row 3x10
Lat Pull Down 3x12
Deadlift Variation 4x12 

Have fun and lift heavy! Get those gains peeps! :) 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lifting Workout 10/6 and 10/8

Monday 10/6

Cardio: 45 minutes Stair master-Fat burner level 9


Leg press 2x15 (rest 2 min)

Lying leg curl 2x15 (rest 1 min)

Chest supported row 2x10 (rest 1 min)

Incline dumbbell chest press 2x12 (rest 1 min)

Rear delt side reassess lying on incline bench 2x15 (rest 1 minute)

Standing calf raises 2x15 (rest 1 minute)

Wednesday 10/8


Barbell Squat 2x10 (rest 2 minutes)

Lying leg curl 2x10 (rest 1 minute)

Lat pull down 2x12 (rest 1 minute)

Dumbbell chest press 2x10 (rest 1 minute)

Barbell curl 2x12 (rest 1 minute)

Tricep cable push down 2x12 (rest 1 minute)

Enjoy! :)

You can reach your fitness goal, you just have to want it badly enough!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all are having a great week! It's hump day people, you are half way there! Woot, woot! :) This post is about how if you put your mind to it you can accomplish your fitness goal, and almost anything for that matter. I live by the power of positive thinking! You have to channel those good vibes and that great energy into the world to get it back. You have to believe in yourself and know that you are capable of greatness.

I have shared with you all that I used to be on the heavier side when I was younger. I want to share with you a photo that I posted last Friday via instagram....

That is me when I was about 13-14 years old in the middle and that is me now on both sides. My past keeps me motivated. Was it hard to drop the weight, did I have to make major adjustments to the way I was eating? You beat your sweet cupcakes I did! My diet back then used to consist of grilled cheese, pb&j, hamburgers, mac' n' cheese, pizza, any sweet that was chocolate, chips, pancakes, cereal, waffles, carrots, and apples not kidding that was about the just of it. 

I first began by cutting out soda and running more, I loved soccer it was my favorite but we weren't too serious at practice and I only ran tops 45 minutes straight once a week. I stated to be more open with what I ate. Not a lot, but I had to start somewhere. 

What motivated me? What was the final straw?.... BOYS... but I feel like you all saw that one coming. I had been rejected by every boy that I had a major crush on. I didn't understand why, I thought I was the shit, which I was and still am. (hey it's ok to toot your own horn every now and then and have some self pride) Anyways, the boys didn't seem to think so, so I made it my mission to make sure that one day the situation would be turned around, and I made it happen!

I worked my butt off to drop the pounds. Was it easy no, were some days hard, you bet. I wasn't going to let that stop me, and I still haven't. You have to want it badly enough, and you know what, at the end of the day it wasn't for them, it was for me. I felt better about myself, had more confidence then ever, and I saw what I was capable of. 

To this day, this situation in my life has kept me motivated and it helps me relate and understand what my clients go through and fight for. The daily struggles that come with it, and the body image issues you suffer from. It's all really tough, physically and mentally. I know it's not easy, but I have your back and I believe in you! That's why I share my knowledge and opinions with you to help you! I want you to feel that way! I want you to feel like you are the best version of you and have the very best quality of life!! That is what it is about, self love and self worth! 

I hope this has helped you in some way! If you want to read more about my story it's posted in my very first blog on this site! 

Love you all! 


Warrior Wednesday HIIT Workout