Wednesday, March 26, 2014

5 Ways to Make Your Workout More Effective

Hi all,

I wanted to give you some tools to help make your workouts for effective. To make sure you are getting the most out of your time when you workout! Let's get into it!

1. Make exercise fun- you should enjoy what you are doing, it should be fun and exciting. Exercise shouldn't be something that you dread. Find a class that you enjoy, try circuit training, run outside (with your pet or a friend), try buddy training. You can also try hiking, swimming, high intensity interval training. Experiment and find something that you look forward to doing!

2. Make sure you have an awesome play list- You want something that is to your liking and that is upbeat. You want music with high beats per minute (around 120bpm) to keep you pumped for your workout. Some good choices include electro, pop, rock, and hip-hop. I usually pick a pod-cast or a pandora station to insure that my music is always changing but staying within the same genre.

3. Mix up your sets, reps, and exercises- this will keep you from hitting a plateau, as well as keep your workouts interesting. It will help blast fat and keep you seeing those results. Some examples of different sets and reps include, 12/12/10/10 or pyramids 15/12/8/15/12 (start light in weight and getting heavy and then back down). For exercises, I like the Big Book of Exercise by Men's Health , it is great for variations and new fresh ideas! They also have one for women, but they are exactly the same exercises! :)

4. Don't be afraid to lift weights- weights are awesome for building lean muscle mass, building strong bones, and blasting fat. It is a myth that if you lift you will get bulky, keep the weights light and the reps high. Always make sure to log your weights so you can go up in weight. This will also keep you seeing results! I lift all the time and I'm not even close to being bulky. Actually it helps give you those curves and definition, and best of all be less flabby! It helps you burn more fat throughout the day too, weights are amazing! Start lifting if you haven't been, you'll thank me later

5. PROPER FORM- I can't stress this enough! There have been too many incidents where I have been at the gym and see someone preforming an exercise incorrectly. This is going to cause injury and muscle imbalances. If you aren't sure ask a trainer at your gym, they are always more than happy to help you out! Also, if you are really uncomfortable or unfamiliar get one or two training sessions to make sure you know what you are doing! The most important things include stand upright, abs should always be engaged, your spine should be in a straight line, and engage your glutes.

Those are my 5 tips to help make your workouts more effective! Hope you enjoy and they help you improve your workout!

Until next time...


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