Friday, January 10, 2014

How to Successfully Make Your New Years Resolution Stick

Hi all,

Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and had a great New Year!!! For many people the new year comes with new resolutions and new goals to reach. Unfortunately many of us tend to quit before we've started, or let them slip through our finger with out us really noticing.

Some fun facts about New Years resolutions:

  • 45% of Americans Make New Years Resolutions 
  • The good news is that a Journal of Clinical Psychology study found that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to change their behavior than those who don't.
  • The bad news however, is that short-term urges can trump long-term plans. Another Journal of Clinical Psychology study reports that 54 percent give up on their resolutions within six months -- and only 8 percent ultimately succeed by the end of the year
The questions is how can you prevent yourself from being the 54% and kick ass and become the 8%.

  • MAKE A PLAN- create specific behaviors, don't just say I'm going to lose 30 pounds this year; make a plan to do so! Get your calendar or planner and mark out the times everyday that you are going to workout. Set alarms and reminders, or even get a jar and every time you don't go to the gym or workout you put $10 in and at the end of the month you donate it to your favorite charity. 
  • DO ONE THING AT A TIME- don't take on too much. Choose one resolution and give it all you got. This doesn't mean you can't work on more than one resolution per year, it just means you shouldn't focus on more than one at a time.
  • PRACTICE EVERYDAY- daily practice allows people with average talent to achieve extraordinary things. For example, the best marathon runners don't show physiological differences in lung capacity or muscle. The difference lies in how much each runner trains in the weeks leading up to the marathon.
I hope this helps you to stick to your resolutions! You can do whatever you set your mind too, you just have to believe in yourself and don't let anyone or anything get in your way! Excuses don't get you there, will power does (excuses also don't burn Now go and kick some ass!!!


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