Monday, October 28, 2013

Yummy Parmesan Garlic Asparagus

Hi all!!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend and your week is off to a great start! I thought I would share my easy to make Parmesan Garlic Asparagus! Takes about 24 minutes to make from the start to the finished product! This recipe feeds 2 people, Hope you enjoy!

  • Asparagus (15-20 pieces)
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • Spray Butter (I can't believe it's not butter)
  • Garlic Powder
  • Pepper
  • 1 lemon or lemon juice
  • Coconut or grape seed oil 
  • Cooking sheet
  • Step 1: pre-heat oven to 450 degrees
  • Step 2: Wash Asparagus and dry off
  • Step 3: Cut about 1 inch off the end of the Asparagus and throw ends away

  • Step 4: Cut Asparagus into bite size pieces (about 1 inch as well) 
  • Step 5: Oil cooking pan with 1tbsp of coconut or grape seed oil, rub in with paper towel
  • Step 6: Place cut asparagus in pan 
  • Step 7: Spray Asparagus with, spray butter (about 5 sprays) 
  • Step 8: Sprinkle to your liking pepper and garlic powder 
  • Step 9: Sprinkle 1-2 tbsp of Parmesan onto Asparagus 

  • Step 10: Place in oven for 12 minutes 
  • Step 11: Cut lemon and squeeze juice onto Asparagus
  • Step 12: ENJOY!!! NOM NOM!!!  


Asparagus: (15 spears)

Total Fat
Sat. Fat

Parmesan Cheese: (2 Tbsp)
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
Calorie Total for 15 spears and 2 tbsp = 93 Calories/2
46.5 Calories a serving!! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

7 Things you Might Being Doing Wrong While Working out and Getting Healthy

1. The elliptical. I'm not a fan of the elliptical. Not only is it the most boring piece of equipment in the gym, it is also extremely ineffective. First off, the elliptical doesn't use a natural body motion to work your body. Workouts that use natural motions like running, bending, or jumping are much more effective at toning muscles. Sure, the gliding motion of the elliptical burns calories, but that's about it. It is also easy to slack off on the elliptical. With the treadmill you at least have to keep up with the pace you set. On the elliptical you start off with guns blazing, and 10 minutes later you are crawling along like a turtle. You are much better off doing a 20-minute cross training circuit (burpees, jumping rope, jumping squats, etc.) than 45 minutes of slogging along on the elliptical. If you are looking for another low impact exercise, try the rowing machine. This will get your heart rate up, and also work your upper body and back.
2. Working out for long periods of time at a moderate pace. When it comes to working out, slow and steady does NOT win the race. Maximize your time, people! Instead of working out for an hour at an easy-to-moderate intensity level, step it up a notch. Challenge yourself to 30 minutes of nonstop, intense exercise. You can take 15- to 30-second breaks, but move quickly from one workout to the next. Give it 100 percent for 30 minutes, instead of 75 percent for an hour. Need ideas for shorter, high intensity workouts? Check out 15 Minutes to Change Fat to Muscle.
3. Lollygagging. You know that girl at the gym who's always fixing her hair in the mirror? Don't be her. Come to the gym with a time frame and a plan. This means no wandering around, no texting your boyfriend in between reps. Come with a set workout to complete, limiting your water breaks to specific points in your circuit for a designated amount of seconds. If this means writing down your regimen, great! Tattoo it to your arm! Whatever! Make the most of your time. Get in, get out. No one likes a gym rat.
4. Too much cardio. Too little strength training. But cardio burns more calories, right? Not so fast, lady. Sure, an hour on the treadmill gives you that instant satisfaction of burning 400 calories. Or so that little blinking screen says. A quick strength training or cross training session, however, will get your heart rate up, burn calories, and develop your lean muscle mass, which in turn burns more FAT. How you many ask, building muscle means that those muscles are able to work throughout the day burning more calories when you aren't working out.
5. Hydrating with sports drinks. Sports drinks may give you a boost, but are full of sugar and calories. During any given daily workout, hydrating with plain water should do the trick just fine. If you feel tired during your workout, try fueling before. Eating a healthy snack 45 minutes before your workout can give you more energy, and allow you to skip the Gatorade. Try some almond or peanut butter on toast.
6. Doing the same exercises over and over again. When you do the same workout routine over and over, your body gets used to it and it becomes easier. The Stairmaster might have been challenging at one point, but pretty soon your muscles become familiar with that motion. Your body only uses half the energy to complete this task that at one point had you huffing and puffing your way to the locker room. Mix it up. By changing your workouts daily you will trick your body into working harder and burning more calories. It will also save you from boredom! Try a new class or pick up a new sport. 
7. Going it alone. Working out alone can be great. It gives you time to clear your mind, listen to music, and feel the burn. However, sometimes it takes a workout buddy to hold you accountable. Working out with a partner not only makes it more likely that you'll work out, it makes most people try harder than they would on their own. Your partner can cheer you on to finish that last half mile or to finish those last four deadlifts. And let's not forget the power of good old-fashioned competition. If your friend is doing 50 lunges, don't you suddenly feel inspired to do 51?

Hope you enjoyed this and it helps you to get one step closer to reaching your fitness goals! Until next time...
Health and Happiness,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Shed pounds quick! (ps. I'm back!)

Hey all,

I know it has been a while! I'm sorry for being MIA, I just burnt myself out posting so much info and giving myself a deadline! Deadlines are great and all don't get me wrong, but with my busy schedule it was getting to be a bit much. Things have calmed down now and I realized that I did in fact miss blogging, so I'M BACK!

Going to do things a little differently this time though! I will be posting when it is convenient, but at the very least twice a month. I will try to structure it the same as before, one article and one workout! Well now that, that is all squared away, lets get to it!

Today we are gonna talk about how to drop some weight fast and there is a little workout at the bottom as well! The workout will help you blast some fat, which we all like!

We all know that dropping weight can be hard, and the closer you get to you ideal weight, the tougher it becomes to lose the weight! The reason behind this is that your body defends its weight and holds on to the pounds to maintain a natural balance. The more weight that is lost, the harder your body works to hold on to it. You can beat this by turning up your workout! Try a total-body workout! This will counteract and prevent your body from getting comfortable with your workout routine. Also, start adding more weight, always make sure you are increasing your work load to insure this doesn't happen.

A definite way of shedding that wait is PLYOMETICS! These are explosive movements that build muscle and get your heart rate up, they also work multiple muscles at a time. This all leads to extreme calorie burn! This will rev up your workout and help you shed that last layer of fat so you can show lose sculpted muscles and that lean figure!

Try to complete three to five circuits of the exercises down below, doing 8-10 reps of each movement and going from one exercise to the next with out stopping (CIRCUIT TRAINING)! Rest one minute between each circuit! Do the workout two to three times a week as well as cardio (fat-burner/interval) and you will be zipping up your skinny jeans in no time!

When doing cardio make sure you are doing fat- blasting intervals. Just like your total body strength training program you want your cardio to be just as kick ass! High- intensity interval training involves quick, sprintlike bursts combined with periods of rest or easy recovery to help maximize your calorie burn. Go as all out as you can!

Try this twice a week using your favorite cardio machine: After a five to ten minute warm up, speed up until you are at 90% of your max heart rate (age-220=MHR). Stay here for 30 sec then recover for 1 minute repeat 5-8 times. To boost your weekly calorie burn, add and extra day of cardio 30-45 minutes of moderate intensity 65-80% of your maximum heart rate.

Eat often: eat small amounts every few hours. It can help your body burn calories instead of holding them. (Nutritious foods!)

Pick protein: it keeps you feeling full longer, burns calories and it digests, and helps your muscles recover! Include it in every meal!!!

Beat the bloat: avoid excess salt, limit foods like broccoli and beans, and add lemon to your water!

MOVE 1Single-Arm Dumbbell Swing
Single-Arm Dumbbell Swing

MOVE 2Pushup Row
Pushup Row

MOVE 3Box Jumps

Box Jumps

MOVE 4Skater Jumps
Skater Jumps
MOVE 5Dumbbell T-Stabilization
Dumbbell T-Stabilization