Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you are having a great day and you are fully enjoying your weekend! I will be on Periscope in about 30 minutes (1pm PST) demoing all the exercises below. It will be posted for 24 hours and then come down. However, the workout will stay up here :) don't you worry.
For those of you who are wondering what Periscope is, it's a new app that allows you to live broadcast. You are able to interact by commenting during the video and you can also give out hearts by tapping the bottom right corner if you like what you see. :) The video's stay up for 24 hours and then they are gone. Check me out at ebfbyashley !!!! Your love and support is always appreciated! Ok now into the good stuff, let's get to that workout!
Warm up: 2x10
- Butt kickers
- Side lunges
- Arm circles
- Ankle circles
- Shoulder circles
- Reverse lunge monkey swings
Circuit 1: 3x30 sec/ 10-15 sec of rest (60-90 sec rest between each round)
- Side lunge to balance with a twist at the top (right leg)
- Side lunge to balance with a twist at the top (left leg)
- Plie pops
- Pike push-up
- C-V curves
Circuit 2: 6x20 sec/ 10 sec rest
- Squat alternating kicks
- High knees w/ torso twist
- Tricep push-up
- Superman roll over to knee pull in or v-up
- Grass hoppers
- Alternating lunge jumps and punches
- 1,2,3 knee drives
- 2 front kicks to 2 back kicks
Alright that's it team! Go kick some butt and get a little bit stronger! Remember to take breaks as you need, stay hydrated, and always PUSH YOURSELF!! If you are working out you might as well make it count and give it all you have!
Until next time!
Pistols....Out! xoxoxoo